3 Key Factors for Choosing the Right Trailer Tracking Solution
The Best Trailer Tracking Solutions for Your Fleet Company
The next step is deciphering the plethora of available information to determine the validity of a particular solution and whether it will help you to run your business more efficiently. From tedious chat forums, to a ton of technical documentation, making informed business decisions is an imperative that shouldn’t take up unnecessary time and energy.
It’s for this reason that we’ve rooted out 3 key factors to assist you when choosing the best solution for your business.
1. Define Your Needs Before You Commit
Are your trailers able to provide reliable power, or do you need a solution that’s purely battery-operated? There are options that can cater for either scenario, but make sure you understand your trailer-fleet requirements first so that you don’t waste your time looking at half of the products available that actually won’t meet your needs. Good suppliers tend to have multiple options and you don’t want to get caught using different devices from different suppliers. Consider the lifespan of your batteries and how often you may need to replace them. This too has a bearing on the overall cost of ownership. Good suppliers should be equipped to provide battery-powered solutions with amazing longevity.
2. Why Do People Buy a Trailer Track System?
Typically, customers want to improve the utilization of their trailers to get the most out of their investment. Trailers standing idle are no good to the bottom line, ideally they need to be out in the field delivering valuable cargo on time. A good trailer-tracking solution not only illustrates all movement, but it also records the time that a trailer is not in use.
Good reporting tools are essential in understanding the data - agile graphs and dashboards are a must. Another really important consideration is to ensure a supplier can provide a solution that shows you when the trailer doors are opened. Pair this insight with a defined geo-zone policy and you’ve got an automated unloading authorisation report at your fingertips. Last but not least, the identified solution should also be able to track stolen trailers at any given time.
3. How Do I Get More Return on My Investment?
Price is important, but value is the ultimate measure. Most often, clients have a whole array of mobile assets alongside their trailers, whether it’s trucks, vans or company cars, or even other kinds of high-value assets. You’d be better off (over the long term) considering suppliers that can meet all of your fleet management needs now and in the foreseeable future. A supplier that can provide an array of solutions for all of your mobile assets is by far the best investment you’re going to make. A trailer track system in the form of a bundled package is bound to provide you with long-term cost savings and service for your fleet management company. Be mindful to stay clear of suppliers that cannot show you how they will look after you once you’ve signed up with them. As for case studies and any client testimonials that they can share.
Consider the leader in trailer tracking solutions - MiX Asset Manager is in a class of its own.