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Who Needs a Fleet Driver Tracking App

Who Needs a Fleet Driver Tracking App

In the digital era, fleet managers need data for better insight and remote access. A driver tracking app provides a valuable tool for seamless telematics across all devices, improving connectivity with drivers.
Fleet managers need data for better insights and remote access. A driver tracking app offers seamless telematics across all devices, improving connectivity.

In today's fast-paced, digital world, it is becoming increasingly essential for fleet managers to have access to data that gives them improved insight into their fleet operations. And just as important is the ability to access that information from anywhere at any time. The tools that help fleet managers stay connected to drivers wherever they are is becoming increasingly valuable, and a driver tracking app is one of those tools. With an app to track drivers, fleet managers and dispatchers can get an integrated telematics experience across all devices, from desktops and laptops to smartphones.

What Is a Fleet Tracking App?

With a fleet tracker, you get real-time visibility into vehicle performance for the entire fleet to track GPS location updates from every vehicle in your organization's fleet. GPS tracking puts the power of telematics at a fleet manager's fingertips. You'll be able to access essential features from your fleet management system, including GPS tracking, dashboard camera footage, route optimization, and fuel consumption monitoring, via an app on any mobile device. Fleet managers can communicate directly with their mobile workers, either one at a time, or as a group. They can also create, schedule, and assign jobs or tasks to mobile workers on the go.

Who Needs a Fleet Tracking App?

Fleet tracking apps benefit both fleet managers and drivers. They give fleet managers and dispatchers visibility into their fleet vehicles' locations and help drivers improve their performance.

Fleet managers in industries such as services and oil and gas, often work remotely and benefit from the additional connectedness a driver tracking device gives them. It can also be helpful for fleet managers who want access to fleet management data even when their drivers are off the clock.

6 Ways Fleet Tracking Apps Can Benefit Your Business

There are many ways a fleet tracking app can help your business run smoothly and improve the efficiency and safety of your fleet operations. Below are some of the ways a fleet tracker can help fleet managers stay on top of operational challenges, respond quickly to customers, and improve the fleet's bottom line in many other ways.

1) Maintain Visibility into Operations

Fleet management software offers real-time vehicle and driver information, but what happens if the fleet manager needs to leave the office? A fleet tracking app can help fleet managers stay in touch with their fleet when on the road, with a customer, or at home.

This allows more flexibility into a fleet manager's schedule, allowing them to work more effectively while spending less time in transit if they need to meet with a client offsite. There's no reason for them to rearrange their schedule to ensure they make it back to the office to check in on their fleet.

2) Improve Driver Communication

It's not uncommon for drivers to have to walk about half a mile from their trucks to check in at big distribution centers. A driver tracking app accessed through your drivers' smartphone means you can stay in communication with your drivers wherever they are.

Drivers can view accurate information at any time, whether in or out of their truck. This means drivers can communicate with fleet managers, whether in or outside their trucks. This eliminates the need to go back to the vehicle when it's not convenient. A driver tracking app also serves as backup communication because of its integration with your telematics system.

3) Better Task Management

Fleet managers who use driver-focused applications for managing their drivers' tasks can now get even better results by combining them with navigation technology, two-way communication tools, and template-based electronic forms. Drivers and fleet managers benefit when they use task management software because they can easily keep track of their jobs and record important details such as time spent driving and mileage driven. This information can include customer data, electronic proofs of delivery, signatures, barcodes, and more.

Drivers who have access to and use these tools tend to be happier, less stressed, and better at their jobs. Fleet managers can create and assign tasks for their drivers and prioritize them based on importance and where drivers are located at any given time. With drivers and fleet managers communicating constantly, they're able to quickly change plans if necessary.

Task management tools improve collaboration between fleet managers and drivers. When teamwork is encouraged and enhanced, drivers work better, are more engaged, and require less supervision. Through a fleet tracking app, drivers can get input from fleet managers when needed and report any issues while on the road.

4) Improve Driver Training and Performance

Improved driver training based on friendly competition can improve the overall safety of a fleet by:

  • Reducing fines
  • Reducing accidents
  • Saving fuel
  • Lowering the cost of vehicle maintenance
  • Reducing the number of insurance claims and the amount of insurance premiums

How drivers drive is vital to any fleet, no matter the size or the industry. Risky driving can not only cost lives but also results in vehicle and driver downtime, which will affect the balance sheet. Fuel economy is also affected by aggressive driving behavior such as hard braking, over speeding, and harsh acceleration. In addition, excess idling can significantly increase gas mileage. These behaviors increase wear and tear on fleet vehicles which can lead to higher maintenances costs. All of these factors can affect a fleet's safety and bottom line.

Driver tracking software accessible through an app lets you create personalized training that addresses each driver's areas of concern. You can also set up a friendly competition between drivers that gives them even more incentive to improve. Through the daily and weekly driving analysis, drivers can see how they rank compared to other drivers.

5) Less Unnecessary Downtime

Whether in the field or the office, fleet managers are pressed for time. It can be difficult to find out about and resolve issues in a timely manner. This can cause unexpected and unnecessary idle time, incur additional costs, and affect customer service. A fleet tracking app can help reduce delays, saving fleets time and money. For example, a fleet manager can get a text as soon as an issue occurs and quickly resolve it before it becomes a bigger problem.

6) Improved Customer Service

Whether large or small, fleets often live or die by their customer service. Late deliveries and keeping customers waiting will negatively impact a fleet's reputation, and sooner or later, this will filter down to impact the bottom line. In this highly competitive business, no one can afford to lose a customer or be shunned by potential customers due to a poor reputation, whether it be for safety or services.

With multiple drivers on the road at various times, fleet management can be a 24/7 responsibility. Staying in touch and being in the know about vehicle location and handling any issues helps meet customer expectations on all fronts. A tracking app gives fleet managers an extra layer of visibility so they can quickly handle any problems and reassure customers that their delivery is on its way.

7 Tips for Safer Fleet Management

Safety is a whole fleet endeavor that takes fleet managers and drivers working together to achieve. Here are safety tips for fleet managers.

1) Promote Safe Driving Behaviors

Fleet managers need to be clear with their drivers about how important they consider fleet safety and that they are expected to adhere to safe driving behaviors at all times. This means no handheld devices such as smartphones, no calls while driving, wearing seatbelts, no speeding, hard braking, etc. Regularly reinforce this policy with education and ongoing training.

2) Regular Review of Driving Records

Regular review of driving scores for each driver helps keep fleet managers on top of any issues. Checking records at least once a year will give a big picture of their drivers' progress. A semi-annual review is recommended for any high-risk drivers.

3) Regular Evaluations of Driving Skills

Regular evaluations of drivers' driving skills, habits, and behaviors let fleet managers know which drivers need additional training. They can then create a training program to address each driver's deficiencies. In addition, they can offer safe driving tips such as wearing seatbelts, maintaining safe following distance, and more. Drivers involved in at-fault accidents should receive corrective training. Fleets with the best safety records generally provide training to refresh their drivers' skills every 2-3 years.

4) Create Rewards/Penalties for Driving Performance

Make drivers aware of the consequences of unsafe driving. This can help with safety policy enforcement and smooth fleet operations. Implement a reward system to incentivize safer driving behavior.

5) Keep Fleet Vehicles Well-Maintained

Create and stick to a schedule for regular maintenance of fleet vehicles. Regular maintenance not only ensures vehicles are safer it also keeps them running longer.

6) Driver Tracking Software

Implement a driver tracking solution or app to help improve fleet safety. These solutions collect driver behavior data and score their driving performance. Clearly explain why the system is being implemented, how the app can help them, and how the information is being used.

7) Regularly Evaluate and Assess the Fleet

A driver tracking app integrated into a telematics solution makes it easy for fleet managers to regularly assess and evaluate every aspect of their fleet, including safety issues. They can quickly mitigate any safety issues before they escalate into bigger problems.

Who Needs a Fleet Driver Tracking App
Who Needs a Fleet Driver Tracking App
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A fully-implemented and supported MiX by Powerfleet solution is guaranteed to improve driver safety and reduce accident rates while also lowering risk, liability and cost.

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