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Fonterra Milk Collection

MiX by Powerfleet is a global provider of Fleet Management, Driver Safety and Vehicle Tracking services and solutions.
Fonterra Milk Collection
In 3 months, Unitrans in South Africa recorded a rapid improvement in fuel consumption with a calculated saving of R66,000 per month.
"We value human life above all else and this solution has certainly helped in ensuring our drivers arrive home safely every day. The MiX by Powerfleet fleet management solution gives us a window into our fleet's performance and assists in out total cost of ownership models."
Richard Sucking - Fonterra Fleet Services Technical Manager

Fonterra Milk Collection is a New Zealand dairy co-operative, which collects and shares around 22 billion liters of milk each year.

To them, the safe operation of heavy motor vehicles on public roads and farm tracks is of utmost importance. They were therefore looking for a system to improve both driver and public safety, enhance milk collection and truck performance, and manage in excess of 1,500 drivers. They also wanted to be proactive in reliability management.

In partnership with New Zealand channel partner, Vehicle Technologies, Fonterra installed a MiX by Powerfleet fleet management solution. Among the results, Fonterra soon noticed a significant reduction in high-speed incidents and rollovers, and found that their drivers were gaining public recognition as being safe and courteous drivers.

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Dennis Ferreira

11 November 2019

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