Dunns Earthmoving

"A driver behavior improvement of 98.7% is beyond our expectation… and we have experienced a saving of over $40,000 on suspension repairs alone."
When the company approached channel partner Intellifleet, their goals included to promote safe and efficient driving habits, better manage their drivers and vehicles, locate their remote vehicles at all times, and reduce vehicle damage caused harsh road conditions.
A MiX by Powerfleet fleet management solution was installed in 48 of their vehicles to help them effectively manage their risk. The solution included In-Vehicle Monitoring Systems (IVMS), satellite tracking, roll-over and panic alerts as well as advanced reporting and analytics.
Results included a dramatic shift in driver behavior and a massive driver scoring improvement. A significant reduction in vehicle damage and maintenance costs was also achieved, due to the reported decrease in abusive driving habits. Dunns Earthmoving also benefited from fuel cost reductions, while reporting that they received excellent after-sales support.
Next - Case Study
Dennis Ferreira

Fleet Size:55
Benefits:Efficiency | Safety