Itamaracá Transportes

"Our drivers have been praising the quality of our monitoring, as we are now able to ascertain the performance of each employee accurately and in real-time."
Because transporting people requires an optimum use of resources and safety technology, Itamaracá partnered with MiX by Powerfleet channel partner MobileComm to reduce fuel consumption and carbon emissions through more efficient driving.
Itamaracá Transportes is a Brazil-based public transport operator. They chose MiX Fleet Manager Premium, a fully comprehensive fleet management solution from MiX by Powerfleet, to reduce fuel consumption and carbon emissions through more efficient driving.
With the MiX by Powerfleet solution in place, Itamaracá could set up and receive several types of vehicle and driver reports and alerts in real-time. As a result, they have been able to assess the performance of each driver and improve their drivability profiles – a significant contributor to passenger comfort and satisfaction.
In the year since rollout, the company has experienced the following valuable reductions:
Next - Case Study
Dennis Ferreira

Date:January 2017
Fleet Size:247
Benefits:Efficiency | Safety