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Connects the vehicles, protects the operators and provides actionable insights for fleet managers
Connects the vehicles, protects the operators and provides actionable insights for fleet managers
Connects the vehicles, protects the operators and provides actionable insights for fleet managers
Connects the vehicles, protects the operators and provides actionable insights for fleet managers
Connects the vehicles, protects the operators and provides actionable insights for fleet managers
Conecte os veículos, dê segurança aos motoristas e forneça informações importantes para os gestores de frotas
Conecte los vehículos, de seguridad a los conductores y proporciona información procesable para los gerentes de flotas
Connects the vehicles, protects the operators and provides actionable insights for fleet managers
6,000 connected & protected vehicles
6,000 connected & protected vehicles
6,000 connected & protected vehicles
6,000 connected & protected vehicles
6,000 connected & protected vehicles
6.000 veículos conectados e seguros
6.000 vehículos conectados y seguros
6,000 connected & protected vehicles
Iberdrola, including Avangrid in North America and Scottish Power in the UK, selected MiX Telematics after a highly competitive process, including multi-Country practical assessments, due to MiX’s global deployment capabilities, proven super-fleet telematics track record, highly innovative and comprehensive product portfolio and shared vision for safety & sustainability, including progression towards electrification of their fleet.
With a history of over 170 years, Iberdrola is a global energy leader, the number-one producer of wind power and one of the world's biggest electricity utilities, supplying energy to almost 100 million people.
Iberdrola, including Avangrid in North America and Scottish Power in the UK, selected MiX Telematics after a highly competitive process, including multi-Country practical assessments, due to MiX’s global deployment capabilities, proven super-fleet telematics track record, highly innovative and comprehensive product portfolio and shared vision for safety & sustainability, including progression towards electrification of their fleet.
With a history of over 170 years, Iberdrola is a global energy leader, the number-one producer of wind power and one of the world's biggest electricity utilities, supplying energy to almost 100 million people.
Iberdrola, including Avangrid in North America and Scottish Power in the UK, selected MiX Telematics after a highly competitive process, including multi-Country practical assessments, due to MiX’s global deployment capabilities, proven super-fleet telematics track record, highly innovative and comprehensive product portfolio and shared vision for safety & sustainability, including progression towards electrification of their fleet.
With a history of over 170 years, Iberdrola is a global energy leader, the number-one producer of wind power and one of the world's biggest electricity utilities, supplying energy to almost 100 million people.
Iberdrola, including Avangrid in North America and Scottish Power in the UK, selected MiX Telematics after a highly competitive process, including multi-Country practical assessments, due to MiX’s global deployment capabilities, proven super-fleet telematics track record, highly innovative and comprehensive product portfolio and shared vision for safety & sustainability, including progression towards electrification of their fleet.
With a history of over 170 years, Iberdrola is a global energy leader, the number-one producer of wind power and one of the world's biggest electricity utilities, supplying energy to almost 100 million people.
Iberdrola, including Avangrid in North America and Scottish Power in the UK, selected MiX Telematics after a highly competitive process, including multi-Country practical assessments, due to MiX’s global deployment capabilities, proven super-fleet telematics track record, highly innovative and comprehensive product portfolio and shared vision for safety & sustainability, including progression towards electrification of their fleet.
With a history of over 170 years, Iberdrola is a global energy leader, the number-one producer of wind power and one of the world's biggest electricity utilities, supplying energy to almost 100 million people.
Iberdrola, incluindo a Avangrid na América do Norte e a Scottish Power no Reino Unido, selecionaram a MiX Telematics após um processo altamente competitivo, incluindo avaliações práticas em países diferentes, devido aos recursos de implantação global da MiX, histórico de telemetria comprovado com super-frotas, portfólio de produtos altamente inovador e abrangente, e visão compartilhada para segurança & sustentabilidade, incluindo progressão para a eletrificação de sua frota.
Com uma história de mais de 170 anos, a Iberdrola é um líder global de energia, o produtor número um de energia eólica e uma das maiores concessionárias de eletricidade do mundo, fornecendo energia para quase 100 milhões de pessoas.
Iberdrola, incluyendo Avangrid en Norteamérica y Scottish Power en Reino Unido, seleccionó MiX Telematics después de un proceso altamente competitivo, que incluye varios países en evaluaciones prácticas. Debido a las capacidades de implementación global de MiX, telemática con trayectoria de superflota probada, cartera de productos altamente innovadora y completa, y compartida visión de seguridad y sostenibilidad, incluida la progresión hacia la electrificación de su flota.
Con una trayectoria de más de 170 años, Iberdrola es líder mundial en energía, número uno productor de energía eólica y una de las mayores empresas eléctricas del mundo, suministrando energía a casi 100 millones de personas.
Iberdrola, including Avangrid in North America and Scottish Power in the UK, selected MiX Telematics after a highly competitive process, including multi-Country practical assessments, due to MiX’s global deployment capabilities, proven super-fleet telematics track record, highly innovative and comprehensive product portfolio and shared vision for safety & sustainability, including progression towards electrification of their fleet.
With a history of over 170 years, Iberdrola is a global energy leader, the number-one producer of wind power and one of the world's biggest electricity utilities, supplying energy to almost 100 million people.
Accurately locate your operators and assets by combining a variety of sophisticated data points and make important decisions in real-time to maximize efficiency in your operations.
Keep a complete, accurate record of your fleet’s activities. See exactly how your vehicles are being utilized, proactively manage vehicle lifespans and, reduce maintenance costs.
Track and reduce the activities that are known to increase fuel consumption, including speeding, excessive idling, harsh braking, harsh acceleration and risky driving events that can increase operational costs.
Implement proactive maintenance measures with automated reminders about upcoming servicing. Update your maintenance schedules to match your specific fleet vehicle needs. Increase vehicle lifespan and reduce costs.
Get insight into your electric vehicles’ activities with reliable data on distance traveled, time between journeys versus charging times, engine function alerts and driving activities that reduce battery life.
Accurately locate your operators and assets by combining a variety of sophisticated data points and make important decisions in real-time to maximize efficiency in your operations.
Keep a complete, accurate record of your fleet’s activities. See exactly how your vehicles are being utilized, proactively manage vehicle lifespans and, reduce maintenance costs.
Track and reduce the activities that are known to increase fuel consumption, including speeding, excessive idling, harsh braking, harsh acceleration and risky driving events that can increase operational costs.
Implement proactive maintenance measures with automated reminders about upcoming servicing. Update your maintenance schedules to match your specific fleet vehicle needs. Increase vehicle lifespan and reduce costs.
Get insight into your electric vehicles’ activities with reliable data on distance traveled, time between journeys versus charging times, engine function alerts and driving activities that reduce battery life.
Accurately locate your operators and assets by combining a variety of sophisticated data points and make important decisions in real-time to maximize efficiency in your operations.
Keep a complete, accurate record of your fleet’s activities. See exactly how your vehicles are being utilized, proactively manage vehicle lifespans and, reduce maintenance costs.
Track and reduce the activities that are known to increase fuel consumption, including speeding, excessive idling, harsh braking, harsh acceleration and risky driving events that can increase operational costs.
Implement proactive maintenance measures with automated reminders about upcoming servicing. Update your maintenance schedules to match your specific fleet vehicle needs. Increase vehicle lifespan and reduce costs.
Get insight into your electric vehicles’ activities with reliable data on distance traveled, time between journeys versus charging times, engine function alerts and driving activities that reduce battery life.
Accurately locate your operators and assets by combining a variety of sophisticated data points and make important decisions in real-time to maximize efficiency in your operations.
Keep a complete, accurate record of your fleet’s activities. See exactly how your vehicles are being utilized, proactively manage vehicle lifespans and, reduce maintenance costs.
Track and reduce the activities that are known to increase fuel consumption, including speeding, excessive idling, harsh braking, harsh acceleration and risky driving events that can increase operational costs.
Implement proactive maintenance measures with automated reminders about upcoming servicing. Update your maintenance schedules to match your specific fleet vehicle needs. Increase vehicle lifespan and reduce costs.
Get insight into your electric vehicles’ activities with reliable data on distance traveled, time between journeys versus charging times, engine function alerts and driving activities that reduce battery life.
Accurately locate your operators and assets by combining a variety of sophisticated data points and make important decisions in real-time to maximize efficiency in your operations.
Keep a complete, accurate record of your fleet’s activities. See exactly how your vehicles are being utilized, proactively manage vehicle lifespans and, reduce maintenance costs.
Track and reduce the activities that are known to increase fuel consumption, including speeding, excessive idling, harsh braking, harsh acceleration and risky driving events that can increase operational costs.
Implement proactive maintenance measures with automated reminders about upcoming servicing. Update your maintenance schedules to match your specific fleet vehicle needs. Increase vehicle lifespan and reduce costs.
Get insight into your electric vehicles’ activities with reliable data on distance traveled, time between journeys versus charging times, engine function alerts and driving activities that reduce battery life.
Localice con precisión a sus conductores y vehículos combinando una variedad de datos sofisticados e importantes toma de decisiones en tiempo real para maximizar la eficiencia de sus operaciones.
Mantenga un registro completo y preciso de las actividades de su flota. Vea exactamente cómo se utilizan sus vehículos, administre de manera proactiva la vida útil del vehículo y reduzca los costos de mantenimiento.
Identifique y reduzca las actividades que se sabe que aumentan el consumo de combustible, incluido el exceso de velocidad, el ralentí excesivo, el frenado repentino, la aceleración repentina y las adicciones a la conducción que pueden aumentar los riesgos operativos.
Implemente medidas de mantenimiento proactivas con recordatorios automatizados sobre el próximo servicio a realizar. Actualice su planificación de mantenimiento para que coincida con las necesidades específicas de cada vehículo de su flota. Aumente la vida útil del vehículo y reduzca los costos.
Obtenga información sobre las actividades de su vehículo eléctrico con datos confiables sobre la distancia recorrida, la energía reciclada, el tiempo de carga y las actividades de conducción que reducen la duración de la batería.
Localize, com precisão, seus motoristas e veículos ao combinar uma variedade de dados sofisticados e tomada de decisões importantes, em tempo real, para maximizar a eficiência de suas operações.
Mantenha um registro completo e preciso das atividades da sua frota. Veja exatamente como seus veículos estão sendo utilizados, gerencie de forma proativa a vida útil do veículo e reduza os custos de manutenção.
Identifique e reduza as atividades que são conhecidas por aumentar o consumo de combustível, incluindo excesso de velocidade, marcha lenta excessiva, freada brusca, aceleração brusca e vícios de condução que podem aumentar os riscos operacionais.
Implemente medidas de manutenção proativas com lembretes automatizados sobre o próximo serviço a ser feito. Atualize seu planejamento de manutenção para corresponder às necessidades específicas de cada veículo da frota. Aumente a vida útil dos veículos e reduza custos.
Obtenha informações sobre as atividades de seus veículos elétricos com dados confiáveis sobre a distância percorrida, energia reciclada, tempo de carga, e atividades de condução que reduzem a vida útil da bateria.
Accurately locate your operators and assets by combining a variety of sophisticated data points and make important decisions in real-time to maximize efficiency in your operations.
Keep a complete, accurate record of your fleet’s activities. See exactly how your vehicles are being utilized, proactively manage vehicle lifespans and, reduce maintenance costs.
Track and reduce the activities that are known to increase fuel consumption, including speeding, excessive idling, harsh braking, harsh acceleration and risky driving events that can increase operational costs.
Implement proactive maintenance measures with automated reminders about upcoming servicing. Update your maintenance schedules to match your specific fleet vehicle needs. Increase vehicle lifespan and reduce costs.
Get insight into your electric vehicles’ activities with reliable data on distance traveled, time between journeys versus charging times, engine function alerts and driving activities that reduce battery life.
Driver ID helps manage driving hours, audit driving infringements and potential damage to vehicles and, implement training depending on individual driver activity.
In-cab visual and audible alerts allow you to communicate with your operators in real-time whenever they engage in driving events, such as speeding or harsh braking - allowing them to self-correct and actively coach them on how they can improve the way they drive.
Give your operators power over their performance via an app that displays their scores and the associated driving events. Gamify operators’ experience by showing them how they rank against others in the organization to encourage independent improvement of driving style.
Driver fatigue and distraction are two of the biggest causes of crashes so it’s vital to monitor it to reduce fleet safety risk. Using AI technology, operators are alerted whenever they engage in these activities so they can self-correct and avoid a potential accident.
ADAS is automated technology that assists in mitigating the risks that come with human error while driving. Some of what ADAS alerts to, is lane departure without signalling, too-close following distance, potential forward collision and much more.
Driver ID helps manage driving hours, audit driving infringements and potential damage to vehicles and, implement training depending on individual driver activity.
In-cab visual and audible alerts allow you to communicate with your operators in real-time whenever they engage in driving events, such as speeding or harsh braking - allowing them to self-correct and actively coach them on how they can improve the way they drive.
Give your operators power over their performance via an app that displays their scores and the associated driving events. Gamify operators’ experience by showing them how they rank against others in the organization to encourage independent improvement of driving style.
Driver fatigue and distraction are two of the biggest causes of crashes so it’s vital to monitor it to reduce fleet safety risk. Using AI technology, operators are alerted whenever they engage in these activities so they can self-correct and avoid a potential accident.
ADAS is automated technology that assists in mitigating the risks that come with human error while driving. Some of what ADAS alerts to, is lane departure without signalling, too-close following distance, potential forward collision and much more.
Driver ID helps manage driving hours, audit driving infringements and potential damage to vehicles and, implement training depending on individual driver activity.
In-cab visual and audible alerts allow you to communicate with your operators in real-time whenever they engage in driving events, such as speeding or harsh braking - allowing them to self-correct and actively coach them on how they can improve the way they drive.
Give your operators power over their performance via an app that displays their scores and the associated driving events. Gamify operators’ experience by showing them how they rank against others in the organization to encourage independent improvement of driving style.
Driver fatigue and distraction are two of the biggest causes of crashes so it’s vital to monitor it to reduce fleet safety risk. Using AI technology, operators are alerted whenever they engage in these activities so they can self-correct and avoid a potential accident.
ADAS is automated technology that assists in mitigating the risks that come with human error while driving. Some of what ADAS alerts to, is lane departure without signalling, too-close following distance, potential forward collision and much more.
Driver ID helps manage driving hours, audit driving infringements and potential damage to vehicles and, implement training depending on individual driver activity.
In-cab visual and audible alerts allow you to communicate with your operators in real-time whenever they engage in driving events, such as speeding or harsh braking - allowing them to self-correct and actively coach them on how they can improve the way they drive.
Give your operators power over their performance via an app that displays their scores and the associated driving events. Gamify operators’ experience by showing them how they rank against others in the organization to encourage independent improvement of driving style.
Driver fatigue and distraction are two of the biggest causes of crashes so it’s vital to monitor it to reduce fleet safety risk. Using AI technology, operators are alerted whenever they engage in these activities so they can self-correct and avoid a potential accident.
ADAS is automated technology that assists in mitigating the risks that come with human error while driving. Some of what ADAS alerts to, is lane departure without signalling, too-close following distance, potential forward collision and much more.
Driver ID helps manage driving hours, audit driving infringements and potential damage to vehicles and, implement training depending on individual driver activity.
In-cab visual and audible alerts allow you to communicate with your operators in real-time whenever they engage in driving events, such as speeding or harsh braking - allowing them to self-correct and actively coach them on how they can improve the way they drive.
Give your operators power over their performance via an app that displays their scores and the associated driving events. Gamify operators’ experience by showing them how they rank against others in the organization to encourage independent improvement of driving style.
Driver fatigue and distraction are two of the biggest causes of crashes so it’s vital to monitor it to reduce fleet safety risk. Using AI technology, operators are alerted whenever they engage in these activities so they can self-correct and avoid a potential accident.
ADAS is automated technology that assists in mitigating the risks that come with human error while driving. Some of what ADAS alerts to, is lane departure without signalling, too-close following distance, potential forward collision and much more.
La identificación del conductor ayuda a administrar el tiempo de conducción, auditar las infracciones y los posibles daños al vehículo, y también implementar la capacitación de acuerdo con el comportamiento del conductor.
Las alertas visuales y sonoras en la cabina le permiten dar retroalimentación a sus conductores en tiempo real cada vez que realizan comportamientos de riesgo como el exceso de velocidad o el frenado repentino. Esto les permite autocorregirse y orientarse activamente sobre cómo mejorar la forma en que conducen.
Informe a sus conductores sobre su rendimiento a través de una aplicación que muestre las puntuaciones y los eventos de conducción asociados. Gamifica la experiencia de los conductores, mostrándoles cómo se clasifican en relación con los demás en la empresa, para así fomentar la mejora del estilo de conducción de cada uno.
La fatiga y la distracción del conductor son dos de las mayores causas de accidentes, por lo que es vital monitorearlo para reducir el riesgo de accidentes de flota. Utilizando la tecnología de Inteligencia Artificial, los conductores son alertados cada vez que muestran signos de fatiga o distracción para que puedan autocorregirse y evitar un posible accidente.
ADAS es una tecnología automatizada que ayuda a mitigar los riesgos que conlleva el error humano durante la conducción. El ADAS le avisa para que cambie de carril sin señalización, distancia de seguimiento y posible colisión frontal.
Driver ID helps manage driving hours, audit driving infringements and potential damage to vehicles and, implement training depending on individual driver activity.
Alertas visuais e sonoros na cabine permitem dar feedback aos seus motoristas, em tempo real, sempre que eles executarem comportamentos de risco, como excesso de velocidade ou freada brusca. Isso permite que eles se auto-corrijam e sejam orientados ativamente sobre como melhorar a forma de dirigir.
Informe seus motoristas sobre seu desempenho através de um aplicativo que exibe pontuações e eventos de condução associados. Gamifique a experiência dos motoristas, mostrando a eles como se classificam em relação aos outros da empresa, para assim incentivar a melhoria do estilo de condução de cada um.
A fadiga e a distração do motorista são duas das maiores causas de acidentes, por isso é vital monitorá-lo para reduzir o risco de acidentes da frota. Usando tecnologia com Inteligência Artificial, os motoristas são alertados sempre que derem sinais de fadiga ou distração para que possam se auto-corrigir e evitar um possível acidente.
ADAS é uma tecnologia automatizada que auxilia na mitigação dos riscos que vêm com o erro humano ao dirigir. O ADAS alerta para a troca de faixa sem sinalização, distância de seguimento e potencial colisão dianteira.
Driver ID helps manage driving hours, audit driving infringements and potential damage to vehicles and, implement training depending on individual driver activity.
In-cab visual and audible alerts allow you to communicate with your operators in real-time whenever they engage in driving events, such as speeding or harsh braking - allowing them to self-correct and actively coach them on how they can improve the way they drive.
Give your operators power over their performance via an app that displays their scores and the associated driving events. Gamify operators’ experience by showing them how they rank against others in the organization to encourage independent improvement of driving style.
Driver fatigue and distraction are two of the biggest causes of crashes so it’s vital to monitor it to reduce fleet safety risk. Using AI technology, operators are alerted whenever they engage in these activities so they can self-correct and avoid a potential accident.
ADAS is automated technology that assists in mitigating the risks that come with human error while driving. Some of what ADAS alerts to, is lane departure without signalling, too-close following distance, potential forward collision and much more.
Get daily, weekly and monthly intelligence reports that highlight all fleet operations to help you see trends and anticipate any issues causing inefficiency, safety threats and more.
Explore dynamic, interactive dashboards that track the key performance indicators that match your needs most. Use the automated KPI data to set goals for your fleet and measure improvement.
Track which operators and activities are consuming too much fuel and which vehicles are being under- or over-utilized. Make decisions on how to redistribute resources properly to reduce costs and train operators on how to reduce fuel usage.
Extend your vehicles’ lifespan, reduce costs and limit downtime with preventive maintenance. Schedule and track repairs and set service reminders to ensure your vehicles are always road-ready and safe to drive.
Get daily, weekly and monthly intelligence reports that highlight all fleet operations to help you see trends and anticipate any issues causing inefficiency, safety threats and more.
Explore dynamic, interactive dashboards that track the key performance indicators that match your needs most. Use the automated KPI data to set goals for your fleet and measure improvement.
Track which operators and activities are consuming too much fuel and which vehicles are being under- or over-utilized. Make decisions on how to redistribute resources properly to reduce costs and train operators on how to reduce fuel usage.
Extend your vehicles’ lifespan, reduce costs and limit downtime with preventive maintenance. Schedule and track repairs and set service reminders to ensure your vehicles are always road-ready and safe to drive.
Get daily, weekly and monthly intelligence reports that highlight all fleet operations to help you see trends and anticipate any issues causing inefficiency, safety threats and more.
Explore dynamic, interactive dashboards that track the key performance indicators that match your needs most. Use the automated KPI data to set goals for your fleet and measure improvement.
Track which operators and activities are consuming too much fuel and which vehicles are being under- or over-utilized. Make decisions on how to redistribute resources properly to reduce costs and train operators on how to reduce fuel usage.
Extend your vehicles’ lifespan, reduce costs and limit downtime with preventive maintenance. Schedule and track repairs and set service reminders to ensure your vehicles are always road-ready and safe to drive.
Get daily, weekly and monthly intelligence reports that highlight all fleet operations to help you see trends and anticipate any issues causing inefficiency, safety threats and more.
Explore dynamic, interactive dashboards that track the key performance indicators that match your needs most. Use the automated KPI data to set goals for your fleet and measure improvement.
Track which operators and activities are consuming too much fuel and which vehicles are being under- or over-utilized. Make decisions on how to redistribute resources properly to reduce costs and train operators on how to reduce fuel usage.
Extend your vehicles’ lifespan, reduce costs and limit downtime with preventive maintenance. Schedule and track repairs and set service reminders to ensure your vehicles are always road-ready and safe to drive.
Get daily, weekly and monthly intelligence reports that highlight all fleet operations to help you see trends and anticipate any issues causing inefficiency, safety threats and more.
Explore dynamic, interactive dashboards that track the key performance indicators that match your needs most. Use the automated KPI data to set goals for your fleet and measure improvement.
Track which operators and activities are consuming too much fuel and which vehicles are being under- or over-utilized. Make decisions on how to redistribute resources properly to reduce costs and train operators on how to reduce fuel usage.
Extend your vehicles’ lifespan, reduce costs and limit downtime with preventive maintenance. Schedule and track repairs and set service reminders to ensure your vehicles are always road-ready and safe to drive.
Obtenga informes inteligentes diarios, semanales y mensuales que destacan todas las operaciones de la flota para ayudarlo a ver las tendencias y anticipar cualquier problema que cause ineficiencia, amenazas de seguridad y más.
Explore dashboards dinámicos y interactivos que capturan los indicadores clave de rendimiento que mejor se adapten a sus necesidades. Utilice datos de KPIs automatizados para establecer objetivos para su flota y medir la mejora.
Monitorea el comportamiento de tus conductores y los vicios que están causando un aumento en el consumo de combustible, así como el uso de vehículos. Tomar decisiones sobre cómo redistribuir los recursos correctamente para reducir los costos y capacitar a los conductores para que conduzcan de manera más eficiente, reduciendo el consumo de combustible.
Amplíe la vida útil de sus vehículos, reduzca los costos y reduzca la inactividad con el mantenimiento preventivo. Programe y realice un seguimiento de las reparaciones y establezca recordatorios de servicio para garantizar que sus vehículos estén siempre listos para conducir.
Obtenha relatórios inteligentes diários, semanais e mensais que destacam todas as operações da frota para te ajudar a ver tendências e antecipar quaisquer problemas que causem ineficiência, ameaças à segurança e muito mais.
Explore dashboards dinâmicos e interativos que captam os principais indicadores de desempenho que mais correspondem às suas necessidades. Use os dados automatizados dos KPIs para definir metas para sua frota e mensurar a melhoria.
Monitore o comportamento dos seus motoristas e os vícios que estão causando o aumento do consumo de combustível, bem como a utilização dos veículos. Tome decisões sobre como redistribuir recursos corretamente para reduzir custos e treine os motoristas para dirigirem de forma mais eficiente, reduzindo o consumo de combustível.
Prolongue a vida útil de seus veículos, reduza custos e reduza a ociosidade com a manutenção preventiva. Programe e rastreie os reparos e defina lembretes de serviço para garantir que seus veículos estejam sempre prontos para dirigir.
Get daily, weekly and monthly intelligence reports that highlight all fleet operations to help you see trends and anticipate any issues causing inefficiency, safety threats and more.
Explore dynamic, interactive dashboards that track the key performance indicators that match your needs most. Use the automated KPI data to set goals for your fleet and measure improvement.
Track which operators and activities are consuming too much fuel and which vehicles are being under- or over-utilized. Make decisions on how to redistribute resources properly to reduce costs and train operators on how to reduce fuel usage.
Extend your vehicles’ lifespan, reduce costs and limit downtime with preventive maintenance. Schedule and track repairs and set service reminders to ensure your vehicles are always road-ready and safe to drive.
Fleet management technology helps you easily meet environmental goals.
Fleet management technology helps you easily meet environmental goals by giving you the tools to reduce fuel-guzzling driving habits (like excessive idling and speeding), cut down on miles driven, choose sustainable vehicles, stay on top of maintenance and improve vehicle efficiency.
Do your employees work in remote locations and under potentially dangerous circumstances?
When your employees work in remote and potentially dangerous locations, you need to know their exact location at all times while providing them the ability to communicate directly to the right people, especially in emergency situations.
Send real-time alerts and instructions to all relevant team members when unexpected events occur to spring into action at a moment's notice.
Unexpected events happen frequently in the Utilities industry. Telematics gives you the means to send alerts and instructions in real-time to all of your employees so they can spring into action immediately as a team.
Keep a record of all trips - from start to finish. See exactly how much time your employees spend at each customer or site.
Keep a record of all trips - from start to finish. See exactly how much time your employees spend at each customer or site. View information organised in way where you can see whether each employee’s time is being utilised appropriately and how service can be improved.
Certain driving behaviors, like speeding or harsh braking, directly contribute to increased vehicle wear-and-tear.
Certain driving behaviors, like speeding or harsh braking, directly contribute to increased vehicle wear-and-tear. Damaged vehicles lead to unexpected downtime. In turn, that downtime interrupts workflow, increasing pressure on other workers to complete jobs and potentially leading to dissatisfied customers.
Using KPI-focused dashboard, you can set goals and objectives specific to your team.
Using KPI-focused dashboard, you can set goals and objectives specific to your team. These dashboards utilize the data captured from your vehicles and operators on a daily basis to see how far you are progressing towards your goals and give you practical guidance on what you can do more efficiently to meet objectives.
Of particular interest to utilities fleets is the transition to EV’s or electrification of their fleets.
Of particular interest to utilities fleets is the transition to EV’s or electrification of their fleets. Utilities fleets are prime candidates for electrification due to their use of light commercial vehicles and the relatively short distances traveled due to the distributed nature of their depots, where overnight recharging can take place. Telematics data is a vital input to the EV transition planning process as it provides data-driven insights into vehicle operational duty cycles. Once the duty cycle profile for a vehicle or fleet is known, accurate EV procurement can take place, including battery sizing, but even more importantly, EV charging infrastructure can be sized for each depot location, to ensure that all vehicles are appropriately charged to deliver service to their customers without interruption.
Fleet management technology helps you easily meet environmental goals.
Fleet management technology helps you easily meet environmental goals by giving you the tools to reduce fuel-guzzling driving habits (like excessive idling and speeding), cut down on miles driven, choose sustainable vehicles, stay on top of maintenance and improve vehicle efficiency.
Do your employees work in remote locations and under potentially dangerous circumstances?
When your employees work in remote and potentially dangerous locations, you need to know their exact location at all times while providing them the ability to communicate directly to the right people, especially in emergency situations.
Send real-time alerts and instructions to all relevant team members when unexpected events occur to spring into action at a moment's notice.
Unexpected events happen frequently in the Utilities industry. Telematics gives you the means to send alerts and instructions in real-time to all of your employees so they can spring into action immediately as a team.
Keep a record of all trips - from start to finish. See exactly how much time your employees spend at each customer or site.
Keep a record of all trips - from start to finish. See exactly how much time your employees spend at each customer or site. View information organised in way where you can see whether each employee’s time is being utilised appropriately and how service can be improved.
Certain driving behaviors, like speeding or harsh braking, directly contribute to increased vehicle wear-and-tear.
Certain driving behaviors, like speeding or harsh braking, directly contribute to increased vehicle wear-and-tear. Damaged vehicles lead to unexpected downtime. In turn, that downtime interrupts workflow, increasing pressure on other workers to complete jobs and potentially leading to dissatisfied customers.
Using KPI-focused dashboard, you can set goals and objectives specific to your team.
Using KPI-focused dashboard, you can set goals and objectives specific to your team. These dashboards utilize the data captured from your vehicles and operators on a daily basis to see how far you are progressing towards your goals and give you practical guidance on what you can do more efficiently to meet objectives.
Of particular interest to utilities fleets is the transition to EV’s or electrification of their fleets.
Of particular interest to utilities fleets is the transition to EV’s or electrification of their fleets. Utilities fleets are prime candidates for electrification due to their use of light commercial vehicles and the relatively short distances traveled due to the distributed nature of their depots, where overnight recharging can take place. Telematics data is a vital input to the EV transition planning process as it provides data-driven insights into vehicle operational duty cycles. Once the duty cycle profile for a vehicle or fleet is known, accurate EV procurement can take place, including battery sizing, but even more importantly, EV charging infrastructure can be sized for each depot location, to ensure that all vehicles are appropriately charged to deliver service to their customers without interruption.
Fleet management technology helps you easily meet environmental goals.
Fleet management technology helps you easily meet environmental goals by giving you the tools to reduce fuel-guzzling driving habits (like excessive idling and speeding), cut down on miles driven, choose sustainable vehicles, stay on top of maintenance and improve vehicle efficiency.
Do your employees work in remote locations and under potentially dangerous circumstances?
When your employees work in remote and potentially dangerous locations, you need to know their exact location at all times while providing them the ability to communicate directly to the right people, especially in emergency situations.
Send real-time alerts and instructions to all relevant team members when unexpected events occur to spring into action at a moment's notice.
Unexpected events happen frequently in the Utilities industry. Telematics gives you the means to send alerts and instructions in real-time to all of your employees so they can spring into action immediately as a team.
Keep a record of all trips - from start to finish. See exactly how much time your employees spend at each customer or site.
Keep a record of all trips - from start to finish. See exactly how much time your employees spend at each customer or site. View information organised in way where you can see whether each employee’s time is being utilised appropriately and how service can be improved.
Certain driving behaviors, like speeding or harsh braking, directly contribute to increased vehicle wear-and-tear.
Certain driving behaviors, like speeding or harsh braking, directly contribute to increased vehicle wear-and-tear. Damaged vehicles lead to unexpected downtime. In turn, that downtime interrupts workflow, increasing pressure on other workers to complete jobs and potentially leading to dissatisfied customers.
Using KPI-focused dashboard, you can set goals and objectives specific to your team.
Using KPI-focused dashboard, you can set goals and objectives specific to your team. These dashboards utilize the data captured from your vehicles and operators on a daily basis to see how far you are progressing towards your goals and give you practical guidance on what you can do more efficiently to meet objectives.
Of particular interest to utilities fleets is the transition to EV’s or electrification of their fleets.
Of particular interest to utilities fleets is the transition to EV’s or electrification of their fleets. Utilities fleets are prime candidates for electrification due to their use of light commercial vehicles and the relatively short distances traveled due to the distributed nature of their depots, where overnight recharging can take place. Telematics data is a vital input to the EV transition planning process as it provides data-driven insights into vehicle operational duty cycles. Once the duty cycle profile for a vehicle or fleet is known, accurate EV procurement can take place, including battery sizing, but even more importantly, EV charging infrastructure can be sized for each depot location, to ensure that all vehicles are appropriately charged to deliver service to their customers without interruption.
Fleet management technology helps you easily meet environmental goals.
Fleet management technology helps you easily meet environmental goals by giving you the tools to reduce fuel-guzzling driving habits (like excessive idling and speeding), cut down on miles driven, choose sustainable vehicles, stay on top of maintenance and improve vehicle efficiency.
Do your employees work in remote locations and under potentially dangerous circumstances?
When your employees work in remote and potentially dangerous locations, you need to know their exact location at all times while providing them the ability to communicate directly to the right people, especially in emergency situations.
Send real-time alerts and instructions to all relevant team members when unexpected events occur to spring into action at a moment's notice.
Unexpected events happen frequently in the Utilities industry. Telematics gives you the means to send alerts and instructions in real-time to all of your employees so they can spring into action immediately as a team.
Keep a record of all trips - from start to finish. See exactly how much time your employees spend at each customer or site.
Keep a record of all trips - from start to finish. See exactly how much time your employees spend at each customer or site. View information organised in way where you can see whether each employee’s time is being utilised appropriately and how service can be improved.
Certain driving behaviors, like speeding or harsh braking, directly contribute to increased vehicle wear-and-tear.
Certain driving behaviors, like speeding or harsh braking, directly contribute to increased vehicle wear-and-tear. Damaged vehicles lead to unexpected downtime. In turn, that downtime interrupts workflow, increasing pressure on other workers to complete jobs and potentially leading to dissatisfied customers.
Using KPI-focused dashboard, you can set goals and objectives specific to your team.
Using KPI-focused dashboard, you can set goals and objectives specific to your team. These dashboards utilize the data captured from your vehicles and operators on a daily basis to see how far you are progressing towards your goals and give you practical guidance on what you can do more efficiently to meet objectives.
Of particular interest to utilities fleets is the transition to EV’s or electrification of their fleets.
Of particular interest to utilities fleets is the transition to EV’s or electrification of their fleets. Utilities fleets are prime candidates for electrification due to their use of light commercial vehicles and the relatively short distances traveled due to the distributed nature of their depots, where overnight recharging can take place. Telematics data is a vital input to the EV transition planning process as it provides data-driven insights into vehicle operational duty cycles. Once the duty cycle profile for a vehicle or fleet is known, accurate EV procurement can take place, including battery sizing, but even more importantly, EV charging infrastructure can be sized for each depot location, to ensure that all vehicles are appropriately charged to deliver service to their customers without interruption.
Fleet management technology helps you easily meet environmental goals.
Fleet management technology helps you easily meet environmental goals by giving you the tools to reduce fuel-guzzling driving habits (like excessive idling and speeding), cut down on miles driven, choose sustainable vehicles, stay on top of maintenance and improve vehicle efficiency.
Do your employees work in remote locations and under potentially dangerous circumstances?
When your employees work in remote and potentially dangerous locations, you need to know their exact location at all times while providing them the ability to communicate directly to the right people, especially in emergency situations.
Send real-time alerts and instructions to all relevant team members when unexpected events occur to spring into action at a moment's notice.
Unexpected events happen frequently in the Utilities industry. Telematics gives you the means to send alerts and instructions in real-time to all of your employees so they can spring into action immediately as a team.
Keep a record of all trips - from start to finish. See exactly how much time your employees spend at each customer or site.
Keep a record of all trips - from start to finish. See exactly how much time your employees spend at each customer or site. View information organised in way where you can see whether each employee’s time is being utilised appropriately and how service can be improved.
Certain driving behaviors, like speeding or harsh braking, directly contribute to increased vehicle wear-and-tear.
Certain driving behaviors, like speeding or harsh braking, directly contribute to increased vehicle wear-and-tear. Damaged vehicles lead to unexpected downtime. In turn, that downtime interrupts workflow, increasing pressure on other workers to complete jobs and potentially leading to dissatisfied customers.
Using KPI-focused dashboard, you can set goals and objectives specific to your team.
Using KPI-focused dashboard, you can set goals and objectives specific to your team. These dashboards utilize the data captured from your vehicles and operators on a daily basis to see how far you are progressing towards your goals and give you practical guidance on what you can do more efficiently to meet objectives.
Of particular interest to utilities fleets is the transition to EV’s or electrification of their fleets.
Of particular interest to utilities fleets is the transition to EV’s or electrification of their fleets. Utilities fleets are prime candidates for electrification due to their use of light commercial vehicles and the relatively short distances traveled due to the distributed nature of their depots, where overnight recharging can take place. Telematics data is a vital input to the EV transition planning process as it provides data-driven insights into vehicle operational duty cycles. Once the duty cycle profile for a vehicle or fleet is known, accurate EV procurement can take place, including battery sizing, but even more importantly, EV charging infrastructure can be sized for each depot location, to ensure that all vehicles are appropriately charged to deliver service to their customers without interruption.
A tecnologia de gestão de frotas ajuda você a cumprir as metas ambientais.
A tecnologia de gestão de frotas ajuda você a cumprir as metas ambientais, proporcionando ferramentas para reduzir os vícios de condução que aumentam o consumo de combustível (como o excesso de marcha lenta e o excesso de velocidade), reduzir os quilômetros percorridos, escolher veículos sustentáveis, ficar por dentro da manutenção e melhorar a eficiência do veículo.
Quando seus funcionários trabalham em locais remotos e potencialmente perigosos, você precisa saber a localização exata o tempo todo.
Quando seus funcionários trabalham em locais remotos e potencialmente perigosos, você precisa saber a localização exata o tempo todo, proporcionando a eles a capacidade de se comunicarem diretamente com as pessoas certas, especialmente em situações de emergência.
Eventos inesperados acontecem frequentemente na indústria de Serviços Públicos.
Eventos inesperados acontecem frequentemente na indústria de Serviços Públicos. A telemetria oferece meios para enviar alertas e instruções, em tempo real, para todos os funcionários para que eles possam agir imediatamente como uma equipe.
Mantenha um registro de todas as viagens do começo ao fim. Veja exatamente quanto tempo seus funcionários passam em cada cliente ou garagem.
Mantenha um registro de todas as viagens do começo ao fim. Veja exatamente quanto tempo seus funcionários passam em cada cliente ou garagem. Tenha as informações organizadas de forma onde possa ver se o tempo de cada funcionário está sendo utilizado adequadamente e como o serviço pode ser melhorado.
Usando o dashboard focado em KPIs, você pode definir metas e objetivos específicos para sua equipe.
Usando o dashboard focado em KPI, você pode definir metas e objetivos específicos para sua equipe. Esses dashboards utilizam diariamente os dados capturados de seus veículos e motoristas para ver até onde você está progredindo em direção aos seus objetivos e lhe dar orientações práticas sobre o que você pode fazer de forma mais eficiente para atingir objetivos.
La tecnología de gestión de flotas le ayuda a cumplir los objetivos medioambientales al proporcionar herramientas para reducir las adicciones.
La tecnología de gestión de flotas le ayuda a cumplir los objetivos medioambientales al proporcionar herramientas para reducir las adicciones a la conducción que aumentan el consumo de combustible (como el ralentí y el exceso de velocidad), reducen los kilómetros recorridos, eligen vehículos sostenibles, se mantienen al tanto del mantenimiento y mejoran la eficiencia del vehículo.
Cuando sus empleados trabajan en ubicaciones remotas y potencialmente peligrosas, necesita conocer la ubicación exacta todo el tiempo.
Cuando sus empleados trabajan en ubicaciones remotas y potencialmente peligrosas, necesita conocer la ubicación exacta todo el tiempo, dándoles la capacidad de comunicarse directamente con las personas adecuadas, especialmente en situaciones de emergencia.
Los eventos inesperados a menudo ocurren en la industria de los servicios públicos. La telemetría proporciona medios.
Los eventos inesperados a menudo ocurren en la industria de los servicios públicos. La telemetría proporciona medios para enviar alertas e instrucciones en tiempo real a todos los empleados para que puedan actuar inmediatamente como un equipo.
Mantenga un registro de todos los viajes de principio a fin. Vea exactamente cuánto tiempo pasan sus empleados en cada cliente o sítio.
Mantenga un registro de todos los viajes de principio a fin. Vea exactamente cuánto tiempo pasan sus empleados en cada cliente o sítio. Tenga la información organizada de manera que pueda ver si el tiempo de cada empleado se está utilizando correctamente y cómo se puede mejorar el servicio.
Utilizando el dashboard centrado en los KPIs, puede establecer metas y objetivos específicos para su equipo. Estos paneles utilizan datos capturados diariamente.
Utilizando el dashboard centrado en KPI, puede establecer metas y objetivos específicos para su equipo. Estos dashboards utilizan datos capturados diariamente de sus vehículos y conductores para ver qué tan lejos está progresando hacia sus objetivos y le brindan orientación práctica sobre lo que puede hacer de manera más eficiente para lograr los objetivos.
Fleet management technology helps you easily meet environmental goals.
Fleet management technology helps you easily meet environmental goals by giving you the tools to reduce fuel-guzzling driving habits (like excessive idling and speeding), cut down on miles driven, choose sustainable vehicles, stay on top of maintenance and improve vehicle efficiency.
Do your employees work in remote locations and under potentially dangerous circumstances?
When your employees work in remote and potentially dangerous locations, you need to know their exact location at all times while providing them the ability to communicate directly to the right people, especially in emergency situations.
Send real-time alerts and instructions to all relevant team members when unexpected events occur to spring into action at a moment's notice.
Unexpected events happen frequently in the Utilities industry. Telematics gives you the means to send alerts and instructions in real-time to all of your employees so they can spring into action immediately as a team.
Keep a record of all trips - from start to finish. See exactly how much time your employees spend at each customer or site.
Keep a record of all trips - from start to finish. See exactly how much time your employees spend at each customer or site. View information organised in way where you can see whether each employee’s time is being utilised appropriately and how service can be improved.
Certain driving behaviors, like speeding or harsh braking, directly contribute to increased vehicle wear-and-tear.
Certain driving behaviors, like speeding or harsh braking, directly contribute to increased vehicle wear-and-tear. Damaged vehicles lead to unexpected downtime. In turn, that downtime interrupts workflow, increasing pressure on other workers to complete jobs and potentially leading to dissatisfied customers.
Using KPI-focused dashboard, you can set goals and objectives specific to your team.
Using KPI-focused dashboard, you can set goals and objectives specific to your team. These dashboards utilize the data captured from your vehicles and operators on a daily basis to see how far you are progressing towards your goals and give you practical guidance on what you can do more efficiently to meet objectives.
Of particular interest to utilities fleets is the transition to EV’s or electrification of their fleets.
Of particular interest to utilities fleets is the transition to EV’s or electrification of their fleets. Utilities fleets are prime candidates for electrification due to their use of light commercial vehicles and the relatively short distances traveled due to the distributed nature of their depots, where overnight recharging can take place. Telematics data is a vital input to the EV transition planning process as it provides data-driven insights into vehicle operational duty cycles. Once the duty cycle profile for a vehicle or fleet is known, accurate EV procurement can take place, including battery sizing, but even more importantly, EV charging infrastructure can be sized for each depot location, to ensure that all vehicles are appropriately charged to deliver service to their customers without interruption.
Richard Adams is the MiX Telematics Executive for Europe and North Africa and a recognized expert in the Utilities sector.
"MiX Telematics provide Utilities with solutions that address their commitment to increasing driver safety and improving sustainability. Many utility companies operate internationally, and having the confidence that a telematics partner can provide a standardized solution to all their teams is often a key factor to help them meet their targets."
Richard Adams is the MiX Telematics Executive for Europe and North Africa and a recognized expert in the Utilities sector.
"MiX Telematics provide Utilities with solutions that address their commitment to increasing driver safety and improving sustainability. Many utility companies operate internationally, and having the confidence that a telematics partner can provide a standardized solution to all their teams is often a key factor to help them meet their targets."
Richard Adams is the MiX Telematics Executive for Europe and North Africa and a recognized expert in the Utilities sector.
"MiX Telematics provide Utilities with solutions that address their commitment to increasing driver safety and improving sustainability. Many utility companies operate internationally, and having the confidence that a telematics partner can provide a standardized solution to all their teams is often a key factor to help them meet their targets."
Richard Adams is the MiX Telematics Executive for Europe and North Africa and a recognized expert in the Utilities sector.
"MiX Telematics provide Utilities with solutions that address their commitment to increasing driver safety and improving sustainability. Many utility companies operate internationally, and having the confidence that a telematics partner can provide a standardized solution to all their teams is often a key factor to help them meet their targets."
Richard Adams is the MiX Telematics Executive for Europe and North Africa and a recognized expert in the Utilities sector.
"MiX Telematics provide Utilities with solutions that address their commitment to increasing driver safety and improving sustainability. Many utility companies operate internationally, and having the confidence that a telematics partner can provide a standardized solution to all their teams is often a key factor to help them meet their targets."
Richard Adams is the MiX Telematics Executive for Europe and North Africa and a recognized expert in the Utilities sector.
"MiX Telematics provide Utilities with solutions that address their commitment to increasing driver safety and improving sustainability. Many utility companies operate internationally, and having the confidence that a telematics partner can provide a standardized solution to all their teams is often a key factor to help them meet their targets."
Richard Adams is the MiX Telematics Executive for Europe and North Africa and a recognized expert in the Utilities sector.
"MiX Telematics provide Utilities with solutions that address their commitment to increasing driver safety and improving sustainability. Many utility companies operate internationally, and having the confidence that a telematics partner can provide a standardized solution to all their teams is often a key factor to help them meet their targets."
Richard Adams is the MiX Telematics Executive for Europe and North Africa and a recognized expert in the Utilities sector.
"MiX Telematics provide Utilities with solutions that address their commitment to increasing driver safety and improving sustainability. Many utility companies operate internationally, and having the confidence that a telematics partner can provide a standardized solution to all their teams is often a key factor to help them meet their targets."
Richard Adams is the MiX Telematics Executive for Europe and North Africa and a recognized expert in the Utilities sector.
"MiX Telematics provide Utilities with solutions that address their commitment to increasing driver safety and improving sustainability. Many utility companies operate internationally, and having the confidence that a telematics partner can provide a standardized solution to all their teams is often a key factor to help them meet their targets."
Richard Adams is the MiX Telematics Executive for Europe and North Africa and a recognized expert in the Utilities sector.
"MiX Telematics provide Utilities with solutions that address their commitment to increasing driver safety and improving sustainability. Many utility companies operate internationally, and having the confidence that a telematics partner can provide a standardized solution to all their teams is often a key factor to help them meet their targets."
Richard Adams é o Executivo da MiX Telematics da Europa e norte da África, um reconhecido especialista no setor de Serviços Públicos.
"A MiX Telematics, oferece aos Serviços Públicos, soluções que abordam seu compromisso de aumentar a segurança dos motoristas e melhorar a sustentabilidade. Muitas empresas de serviços públicos operam internacionalmente, e ter a confiança de que um parceiro de telemetria pode fornecer uma solução padronizada para todas as suas equipes é muitas vezes um fator-chave para ajudá-las a cumprirem suas metas."
Richard Adams é o Executivo da MiX Telematics da Europa e norte da África, um reconhecido especialista no setor de Serviços Públicos.
"A MiX Telematics, oferece aos Serviços Públicos, soluções que abordam seu compromisso de aumentar a segurança dos motoristas e melhorar a sustentabilidade. Muitas empresas de serviços públicos operam internacionalmente, e ter a confiança de que um parceiro de telemetria pode fornecer uma solução padronizada para todas as suas equipes é muitas vezes um fator-chave para ajudá-las a cumprirem suas metas."
Richard Adams es el ejecutivo de MiX Telematics de Europa y el norte de África, un reconocido especialista en el sector de los servicios públicos.
"MiX Telematics ofrece soluciones de Servicios Públicos que abordan su compromiso de aumentar la seguridad del conductor y mejorar la sostenibilidad. Muchas empresas de servicios públicos operan a nivel internacional, y tener la confianza de que un socio de telemetría puede proporcionar una solución estandarizada para todos sus equipos es a menudo un factor clave para ayudarlos a alcanzar sus objetivos."
Richard Adams es el ejecutivo de MiX Telematics de Europa y el norte de África, un reconocido especialista en el sector de los servicios públicos.
"MiX Telematics ofrece soluciones de Servicios Públicos que abordan su compromiso de aumentar la seguridad del conductor y mejorar la sostenibilidad. Muchas empresas de servicios públicos operan a nivel internacional, y tener la confianza de que un socio de telemetría puede proporcionar una solución estandarizada para todos sus equipos es a menudo un factor clave para ayudarlos a alcanzar sus objetivos."
Richard Adams is the MiX Telematics Executive for Europe and North Africa and a recognized expert in the Utilities sector.
"MiX Telematics provide Utilities with solutions that address their commitment to increasing driver safety and improving sustainability. Many utility companies operate internationally, and having the confidence that a telematics partner can provide a standardized solution to all their teams is often a key factor to help them meet their targets."
Richard Adams is the MiX Telematics Executive for Europe and North Africa and a recognized expert in the Utilities sector.
"MiX Telematics provide Utilities with solutions that address their commitment to increasing driver safety and improving sustainability. Many utility companies operate internationally, and having the confidence that a telematics partner can provide a standardized solution to all their teams is often a key factor to help them meet their targets."
MiX Telematics has been in business for decades and in that
time we have seen
consistent results across all types of industries with fleets of all sizes:
MiX Telematics has been in business for decades and in that
time we have seen
consistent results across all types of industries with fleets of all sizes:
MiX Telematics has been in business for decades and in that
time we have seen
consistent results across all types of industries with fleets of all sizes:
MiX Telematics has been in business for decades and in that
time we have seen
consistent results across all types of industries with fleets of all sizes:
MiX Telematics has been in business for decades and in that
time we have seen
consistent results across all types of industries with fleets of all sizes:
A MiX Telematics está no negócio há décadas e,
nesse tempo, vimos resultados consistentes
em todos os tipos de indústrias, com frotas de todos os tamanhos:
MiX Telematics ha estado en el negocio durante décadas
y en ese tiempo hemos visto resultados
consistentes en todo tipo de industrias con flotas de todos los tamaños:
MiX Telematics has been in business for decades and in that
time we have seen
consistent results across all types of industries with fleets of all sizes:
Reciclagem + Gestão de Resíduos
Eletricidade & Água
Reciclaje + Gestión de Residuos
Electricidad y Agua
Check out our white paper to see the extensive, long-term benefits that Utility fleets are receiving from implementing fleet management technology.
Check out our white paper to see the extensive, long-term benefits that Utility fleets are receiving from implementing fleet management technology.
Check out our white paper to see the extensive, long-term benefits that Utility fleets are receiving from implementing fleet management technology.
Check out our white paper to see the extensive, long-term benefits that Utility fleets are receiving from implementing fleet management technology.
Check out our white paper to see the extensive, long-term benefits that Utility fleets are receiving from implementing fleet management technology.
Confira nosso white paper para ver os benefícios extensivos e de longo prazo que as frotas de serviços públicos estão recebendo com a implementação da tecnologia de gestão de frotas.
Consulte nuestro informe técnico para ver los amplios beneficios a largo plazo que las flotas de servicios públicos están recibiendo con la implementación de la tecnología de gestión de flotas.
Check out our white paper to see the extensive, long-term benefits that Utility fleets are receiving from implementing fleet management technology.
Simplify the fleet management and tracking process with a plug and play device delivered straight to you that doesn’t require a technician to install and can be activated using a QR code. Monitor and manage the behavior and performance of vehicles and operators. Receive instant mobile and web notifications about driving events and hours to improve fleet.
AccRobust hardware that tracks the precise location of vehicles using GPS and GSM technology to reach even the most remote areas. Includes on-board accelerometer, geofencing capabilities, driving event notifications, long-life back-up batteries, driver ID and more.
MyMiX Tracking is an app that utilizes cellphone technology to help you accurately track vehicles in real-time while also monitoring all driver behaviors that may be unsafe or inefficient. Send notifications to operators on important events. No hardware installation required and thus no vehicle downtime! Just download and go.
Turn on the power of AI- and ADAS-powered dash cams within your fleet. Get intelligent insight into risky driving behaviors, like fatigue, distraction, speeding, seatbelt usage and more, to prevent accidents and reduce fleet risk. This in-cab and road-facing camera solution also includes an in-cab driver coaching device wit which you can communicate with operators in real-time to help them improve their driving style..
Simplify the fleet management and tracking process with a plug and play device delivered straight to you that doesn’t require a technician to install and can be activated using a QR code. Monitor and manage the behavior and performance of vehicles and operators. Receive instant mobile and web notifications about driving events and hours to improve fleet.
AccRobust hardware that tracks the precise location of vehicles using GPS and GSM technology to reach even the most remote areas. Includes on-board accelerometer, geofencing capabilities, driving event notifications, long-life back-up batteries, driver ID and more.
MyMiX Tracking is an app that utilizes cellphone technology to help you accurately track vehicles in real-time while also monitoring all driver behaviors that may be unsafe or inefficient. Send notifications to operators on important events. No hardware installation required and thus no vehicle downtime! Just download and go.
Turn on the power of AI- and ADAS-powered dash cams within your fleet. Get intelligent insight into risky driving behaviors, like fatigue, distraction, speeding, seatbelt usage and more, to prevent accidents and reduce fleet risk. This in-cab and road-facing camera solution also includes an in-cab driver coaching device wit which you can communicate with operators in real-time to help them improve their driving style..
Simplify the fleet management and tracking process with a plug and play device delivered straight to you that doesn’t require a technician to install and can be activated using a QR code. Monitor and manage the behavior and performance of vehicles and operators. Receive instant mobile and web notifications about driving events and hours to improve fleet.
AccRobust hardware that tracks the precise location of vehicles using GPS and GSM technology to reach even the most remote areas. Includes on-board accelerometer, geofencing capabilities, driving event notifications, long-life back-up batteries, driver ID and more.
MyMiX Tracking is an app that utilizes cellphone technology to help you accurately track vehicles in real-time while also monitoring all driver behaviors that may be unsafe or inefficient. Send notifications to operators on important events. No hardware installation required and thus no vehicle downtime! Just download and go.
Turn on the power of AI- and ADAS-powered dash cams within your fleet. Get intelligent insight into risky driving behaviors, like fatigue, distraction, speeding, seatbelt usage and more, to prevent accidents and reduce fleet risk. This in-cab and road-facing camera solution also includes an in-cab driver coaching device wit which you can communicate with operators in real-time to help them improve their driving style..
Simplify the fleet management and tracking process with a plug and play device delivered straight to you that doesn’t require a technician to install and can be activated using a QR code. Monitor and manage the behavior and performance of vehicles and operators. Receive instant mobile and web notifications about driving events and hours to improve fleet.
AccRobust hardware that tracks the precise location of vehicles using GPS and GSM technology to reach even the most remote areas. Includes on-board accelerometer, geofencing capabilities, driving event notifications, long-life back-up batteries, driver ID and more.
MyMiX Tracking is an app that utilizes cellphone technology to help you accurately track vehicles in real-time while also monitoring all driver behaviors that may be unsafe or inefficient. Send notifications to operators on important events. No hardware installation required and thus no vehicle downtime! Just download and go.
Turn on the power of AI- and ADAS-powered dash cams within your fleet. Get intelligent insight into risky driving behaviors, like fatigue, distraction, speeding, seatbelt usage and more, to prevent accidents and reduce fleet risk. This in-cab and road-facing camera solution also includes an in-cab driver coaching device wit which you can communicate with operators in real-time to help them improve their driving style..
Simplify the fleet management and tracking process with a plug and play device delivered straight to you that doesn’t require a technician to install and can be activated using a QR code. Monitor and manage the behavior and performance of vehicles and operators. Receive instant mobile and web notifications about driving events and hours to improve fleet.
AccRobust hardware that tracks the precise location of vehicles using GPS and GSM technology to reach even the most remote areas. Includes on-board accelerometer, geofencing capabilities, driving event notifications, long-life back-up batteries, driver ID and more.
MyMiX Tracking is an app that utilizes cellphone technology to help you accurately track vehicles in real-time while also monitoring all driver behaviors that may be unsafe or inefficient. Send notifications to operators on important events. No hardware installation required and thus no vehicle downtime! Just download and go.
Turn on the power of AI- and ADAS-powered dash cams within your fleet. Get intelligent insight into risky driving behaviors, like fatigue, distraction, speeding, seatbelt usage and more, to prevent accidents and reduce fleet risk. This in-cab and road-facing camera solution also includes an in-cab driver coaching device wit which you can communicate with operators in real-time to help them improve their driving style..
Hardware que lê a CAN dos veículos e até 48 parâmetros, e rastreia a localização precisa dos veículos usando tecnologia GPS. Inclui acelerômetro de bordo, recursos de geocercas, notificações de eventos de condução, identificação do motorista e muito mais.
MyMiX Tracking é um aplicativo que utiliza a tecnologia de celular para rastrear, com precisão, os veículos em tempo real. Ao mesmo tempo em que monitora os comportamentos de risco. Envie notificações de eventos importantes aos motoristas. Não é necessária instalação de hardware e, portanto, não há tempo de inatividade do veículo! Basta baixar e seguir viagem.
Ative o poder das câmeras com Inteligência Artificial e ADAS dentro da cabine. Obtenha uma visão inteligente sobre comportamentos de condução de risco, como: fadiga, distração, distância de seguimento, uso do celular e cinto de segurança, e muito mais, para evitar acidentes e reduzir os riscos da frota. Esta solução de câmeras voltadas para a cabine e para a estrada também inclui um dispositivo inteligente de assistência ao motorista onde você pode se comunicar com os condutores, em tempo real, para ajudá-los a melhorarem seu estilo de condução.
Hardware que lee la CAN de los vehículos y hasta 48 parámetros, y rastrea la ubicación precisa de los vehículos utilizando la tecnología GPS. Incluye acelerómetro a bordo, funciones de geocercas, notificaciones de eventos de conducción, identificación del conductor y más.
MyMiX Tracking es una aplicación que utiliza tecnología celular para rastrear con precisión los vehículos en tiempo real. Mientras se monitorean los comportamientos de riesgo. Enviar notificaciones de eventos importantes a los conductores. ¡No se requiere instalación de hardware y, por lo tanto, no hay tiempo de inactividad del vehículo! Simplemente descargue y siga el viaje.
Alimenta las cámaras con Inteligencia Artificial y ADAS dentro de la cabina. Obtenga una visión inteligente de los comportamientos de conducción riesgosos, como la fatiga, la distracción, el seguimiento de la distancia, el uso del teléfono móvil y el cinturón de seguridad, y más para prevenir accidentes y reducir los riesgos de la flota. Esta solución de cámara orientada a la cabina y la carretera también incluye un dispositivo inteligente de asistencia al conductor donde puede comunicarse con los conductores en tiempo real para ayudarlos a mejorar su estilo de conducción.
Simplify the fleet management and tracking process with a plug and play device delivered straight to you that doesn’t require a technician to install and can be activated using a QR code. Monitor and manage the behavior and performance of vehicles and operators. Receive instant mobile and web notifications about driving events and hours to improve fleet.
AccRobust hardware that tracks the precise location of vehicles using GPS and GSM technology to reach even the most remote areas. Includes on-board accelerometer, geofencing capabilities, driving event notifications, long-life back-up batteries, driver ID and more.
MyMiX Tracking is an app that utilizes cellphone technology to help you accurately track vehicles in real-time while also monitoring all driver behaviors that may be unsafe or inefficient. Send notifications to operators on important events. No hardware installation required and thus no vehicle downtime! Just download and go.
Turn on the power of AI- and ADAS-powered dash cams within your fleet. Get intelligent insight into risky driving behaviors, like fatigue, distraction, speeding, seatbelt usage and more, to prevent accidents and reduce fleet risk. This in-cab and road-facing camera solution also includes an in-cab driver coaching device wit which you can communicate with operators in real-time to help them improve their driving style..
to talk about your Utility fleet requirements.
to talk about your Utility fleet requirements.
to talk about your Utility fleet requirements.
to talk about your Utility fleet requirements.
to talk about your Utility fleet requirements.
para falar sobre os requisitos da sua frota de serviços públicos.
para hablar sobre los requisitos de su flota de servicios públicos.
to talk about your Utility fleet requirements.
Get full visibility of all fleet activities with expertly installed hardware that monitors movements on a map in both real-time and historically. Gain access to advanced vehicle and driver data by simply logging on to an easy-to-navigate online platform – via your laptop or phone.
Obtenha total visibilidade de todas as atividades da frota com hardware instalado por experts e que monitora os movimentos em um mapa, tanto em tempo real, quanto historicamente. Obtenha acesso a dados avançados de veículos e motoristas simplesmente fazendo login em uma plataforma online fácil de navegar, através de seu laptop ou telefone.
Obtenga visibilidad completa de todas las actividades de la flota con hardware instalado por expertos que monitorea los movimientos en un mapa, tanto en tiempo real como históricamente. Obtenga acceso a datos avanzados del vehículo y del conductor simplemente iniciando sesión en una plataforma en línea fácil de navegar a través de su computadora portátil o teléfono.
With either plug-and-play or self-install GPS tracking options, you get full visibility of both driver and vehicle location. These options monitor movements on a map in real-time while offering the opportunity to also look back at historical trips for analysis and decision-making. By simply logging in to a user-friendly, cloud-based platform, you gain access to advanced vehicle and driver data, tracking information and, fuel and energy usage.
Você tem total visibilidade tanto do motorista quanto da localização do veículo. Monitore os movimentos em um mapa, em tempo real, oferecendo a oportunidade de também olhar para trás em histórico de viagens para análise e tomada de decisão. Ao fazer login em uma plataforma na nuvem, você ganha acesso a dados avançados de veículos e motoristas, informações de rastreamento e uso de combustível e energia.
Tiene una visibilidad completa tanto del conductor como de la ubicación del vehículo. Monitoree los movimientos en un mapa en tiempo real, ofreciendo la oportunidad de mirar hacia atrás en el historial de viajes para el análisis y la toma de decisiones. Al iniciar sesión en una plataforma en la nube, obtiene acceso a datos avanzados del vehículo y del conductor, información de seguimiento y uso de combustible y energía.
operators and fleet managers receive real-time alerts for risky driving behavior as captured by our road- and in-cab facing dash cams powered by Artificial Intelligence. The road-facing camera detects events like imminent collision, lane departure without signaling and too-close following distance. The in-cab facing camera tracks driver-related events such as fatigue, seatbelt usage, phone usage, distracted behavior and smoking while driving. Our video solution aims to improve fleet safety and efficiency.
Motoristas e gestores de frotas recebem alertas, em tempo real, sobre o comportamento de condução de risco capturado por nossas câmeras com Inteligência Artificial voltadas para a estrada e para a cabine. A câmera voltada para a estrada detecta eventos como colisão iminente, troca de faixa sem sinalização e distância de seguimento. A câmera voltada para a cabine detecta eventos relacionados ao motorista, como fadiga, uso do cinto de segurança, uso do celular, comportamento distraído e fumar enquanto dirige. Nossa solução de vídeo visa melhorar a segurança e a eficiência da frota.
Los conductores y los gerentes de flotas reciben alertas en tiempo real sobre el comportamiento de conducción de riesgo capturado por nuestras cámaras de IA frente a la carretera y la cabina. La cámara orientada a la carretera detecta eventos como una colisión inminente, un cambio de carril sin marcar y distancia de seguimiento. La cámara orientada a la cabina detecta eventos relacionados con el conductor, como fatiga, uso del cinturón de seguridad, uso del teléfono móvil, comportamiento distraído y fumar mientras se conduce. Nuestra solución de video tiene como objetivo mejorar la seguridad y la eficiencia de la flota.
A key component of successful fleet management is the monitoring of driving style and recurrent risky driving behaviors. Not only is MiX Telematics a trusted software provider but also a pioneer in the area of app-based tracking. This innovation delivers all the expertise of full-featured tracking technology in a simplified, easy-to-access app.
Um componente fundamental do sucesso da gestão da frota é o monitoramento do estilo de condução e comportamentos recorrentes de condução de risco. A MiX Telematics não só é um provedor de software confiável, mas também é pioneira na área de rastreamento via aplicativo. Essa inovação oferece toda a expertise da tecnologia de rastreamento em destaque em um aplicativo simplificado e de fácil acesso.
Un componente clave del éxito de la gestión de flotas es el monitoreo del estilo de conducción y los comportamientos de conducción de riesgo recurrentes. MiX Telematics no solo es un proveedor de software confiable, sino que también es pionero en el campo del seguimiento de aplicaciones. Esta innovación ofrece toda la experiencia de la tecnología de seguimiento destacada en una aplicación simplificada y de fácil acceso.
Fleet management solutions that offer fleet operators unlimited access to information about their vehicles and operators, with a host of features, tools and reports to help maximize return on investment.
Soluções de gestão de frotas que oferecem aos gestores de frota acesso ilimitado às informações sobre seus veículos e motoristas, com uma série de recursos, ferramentas e relatórios para ajudar a maximizar o retorno sobre o investimento.
Soluciones de gestión de flotas que brindan a los gerentes de flotas acceso ilimitado a información sobre sus vehículos y conductores, con una gran cantidad de características, herramientas e informes para ayudar a maximizar el retorno de la inversión.