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MiX Telematics provides Northmec with a tailored agricultural fleet management solution that meets the requirements to track their assets and monitor engine hour meter readings with associated service and warranty parameters.
MiX Telematics provides Northmec with a tailored agricultural fleet management solution that meets the requirements to track their assets and monitor engine hour meter readings with associated service and warranty parameters.
MiX Telematics provides Northmec with a tailored agricultural fleet management solution that meets the requirements to track their assets and monitor engine hour meter readings with associated service and warranty parameters.
MiX Telematics provides Northmec with a tailored agricultural fleet management solution that meets the requirements to track their assets and monitor engine hour meter readings with associated service and warranty parameters.
MiX Telematics provides Northmec with a tailored agricultural fleet management solution that meets the requirements to track their assets and monitor engine hour meter readings with associated service and warranty parameters.
A MiX Telematics disponibiliza à Northmec uma solução personalizada para gestão de frota agrícola que atende aos requisitos para rastrear seus ativos e monitorar as leituras de horímetro dos motores, incluindo os parâmetros de serviço e de garantia relacionados.
MiX Telematics proporciona a Northmec una solución de gestión de flotas agrícolas personalizada que cumple los requisitos para realizar un seguimiento de sus activos y supervisar las lecturas del contador de horas del motor con los parámetros de servicio y garantía asociados.
MiX Telematics provides Northmec with a tailored agricultural fleet management solution that meets the requirements to track their assets and monitor engine hour meter readings with associated service and warranty parameters.
Eliminate guesswork with an accurate view of your farming equipment, in real-time. Effectively manage your agribusiness with unlimited access to smart data. Our technology also provides you with the ability to geofence priority areas for harvesting and fertilizing, or avoid areas when it comes to soil cultivation.
Implement proactive maintenance measures with automated reminders about upcoming services. Update schedules to match your specific vehicle requirements. Increase lifespan and decrease costs.
Eliminate guesswork with an accurate view of your farming equipment, in real-time. Effectively manage your agribusiness with unlimited access to smart data. Our technology also provides you with the ability to geofence priority areas for harvesting and fertilising, or avoid areas when it comes to soil cultivation.
Implement proactive maintenance measures with automated reminders about upcoming services. Update schedules to match your specific vehicle requirements. Increase lifespan and decrease costs.
Eliminate guesswork with an accurate view of your farming equipment, in real-time. Effectively manage your agribusiness with unlimited access to smart data. Our technology also provides you with the ability to geofence priority areas for harvesting and fertilising, or avoid areas when it comes to soil cultivation.
Implement proactive maintenance measures with automated reminders about upcoming services. Update schedules to match your specific vehicle requirements. Increase lifespan and decrease costs.
Eliminate guesswork with an accurate view of your farming equipment, in real-time. Effectively manage your agribusiness with unlimited access to smart data. Our technology also provides you with the ability to geofence priority areas for harvesting and fertilising, or avoid areas when it comes to soil cultivation.
Implement proactive maintenance measures with automated reminders about upcoming services. Update schedules to match your specific vehicle requirements. Increase lifespan and decrease costs.
Eliminate guesswork with an accurate view of your farming equipment, in real-time. Effectively manage your agribusiness with unlimited access to smart data. Our technology also provides you with the ability to geofence priority areas for harvesting and fertilizing, or avoid areas when it comes to soil cultivation.
Implement proactive maintenance measures with automated reminders about upcoming services. Update schedules to match your specific vehicle requirements. Increase lifespan and decrease costs.
Elimine suposições com uma visão precisa e em tempo real de seus equipamentos agrícolas. Gerencie com eficácia seu agronegócio tendo acesso ilimitado a dados inteligentes. Nossa tecnologia também oferece a possibilidade de demarcar áreas prioritárias para colheita e fertilização, ou áreas que devem ser evitadas, no caso de cultivo do solo.
Implemente medidas de manutenção proativa com notificações automáticas sobre os próximos serviços. Atualize cronogramas para atender aos requisitos específicos dos seus veículos. Aumente a vida útil e reduza os custos.
Elimine las conjeturas con una vista precisa de su equipo agrícola, en tiempo real. Gestione de forma eficaz su negocio agrícola con acceso ilimitado a datos inteligentes. Nuestra tecnología también le proporciona la capacidad de geofence las áreas prioritarias para cosechar y fertilizar, o de evitar las áreas cuando viene al cultivo del suelo.
Implemente medidas de mantenimiento proactivas con recordatorios automatizados sobre los próximos servicios. Actualice los programas para que coincidan con los requisitos específicos de su vehículo. Aumente la vida útil y reduzca los costos.
Eliminate guesswork with an accurate view of your farming equipment, in real-time. Effectively manage your agribusiness with unlimited access to smart data. Our technology also provides you with the ability to geofence priority areas for harvesting and fertilising, or avoid areas when it comes to soil cultivation.
Implement proactive maintenance measures with automated reminders about upcoming services. Update schedules to match your specific vehicle requirements. Increase lifespan and decrease costs.
MiX Driver ID helps you manage operating hours, alerts to and audits infringements while operating machinery, and notifies farm managers of potential vehicle damage.
Farm equipment operators are integral to successful outcomes. The way they drive your vehicles and perform daily tasks impacts how safe and efficient your assets are. Meet MyMiX, a driver engagement app specifically designed to encourage and improve driver behaviors. Operators get direct access to useful information which empowers them to monitor and manage their performance.
Driver fatigue and distraction are two of the biggest causes of incidents, whether it be by roadside or fieldside. It's vital to monitor operator or driver-related risks to improve safety. MiX Vision AI is a modular camera system that uses sophisticated AI technology to alert to events like distraction, smoking, phone use, and seatbelt use.
MiX Driver ID helps you manage operating hours, alerts to and audits infringements while operating machinery and notifies farm managers of potential vehicle damage.
Farm equipment operators are integral to successful outcomes. The way they drive your vehicles and perform daily tasks impacts how safe and efficient your assets are. Meet MyMiX, a driver engagement app specifically designed to encourage and improve driver behaviours. Operators get direct access to useful information which empowers them to monitor and manage their performance.
Driver fatigue and distraction are two of the biggest causes of incidents, whether it be by roadside or fieldside. It's vital to monitor operator or driver-related risks to improve safety. MiX Vision AI is a modular camera system that uses sophisticated AI technology to alert to events like distraction, smoking, phone use, and seatbelt use.
MiX Driver ID helps you manage operating hours, alerts to and audits infringements while operating machinery and notifies farm managers of potential vehicle damage.
Farm equipment operators are integral to successful outcomes. The way they drive your vehicles and perform daily tasks impacts how safe and efficient your assets are. Meet MyMiX, a driver engagement app specifically designed to encourage and improve driver behaviours. Operators get direct access to useful information which empowers them to monitor and manage their performance.
Driver fatigue and distraction are two of the biggest causes of incidents, whether it be by roadside or fieldside. It's vital to monitor operator or driver-related risks to improve safety. MiX Vision AI is a modular camera system that uses sophisticated AI technology to alert to events like distraction, smoking, phone use, and seatbelt use.
MiX Driver ID helps you manage operating hours, alerts to and audits infringements while operating machinery and notifies farm managers of potential vehicle damage.
Farm equipment operators are integral to successful outcomes. The way they drive your vehicles and perform daily tasks impacts how safe and efficient your assets are. Meet MyMiX, a driver engagement app specifically designed to encourage and improve driver behaviours. Operators get direct access to useful information which empowers them to monitor and manage their performance.
Driver fatigue and distraction are two of the biggest causes of incidents, whether it be by roadside or fieldside. It's vital to monitor operator or driver-related risks to improve safety. MiX Vision AI is a modular camera system that uses sophisticated AI technology to alert to events like distraction, smoking, phone use, and seatbelt use.
MiX Driver ID helps you manage operating hours, alerts to and audits infringements while operating machinery, and notifies farm managers of potential vehicle damage.
Farm equipment operators are integral to successful outcomes. The way they drive your vehicles and perform daily tasks impacts how safe and efficient your assets are. Meet MyMiX, a driver engagement app specifically designed to encourage and improve driver behaviors. Operators get direct access to useful information which empowers them to monitor and manage their performance.
Driver fatigue and distraction are two of the biggest causes of incidents, whether it be by roadside or fieldside. It's vital to monitor operator or driver-related risks to improve safety. MiX Vision AI is a modular camera system that uses sophisticated AI technology to alert to events like distraction, smoking, phone use, and seatbelt use.
O MiX Driver ID ajuda você a gerenciar as horas de trabalho, emite alertas e analisa infrações durante a operação de máquinas além de notificar os gestores agrícolas sobre potenciais danos aos veículos.
Os operadores de equipamentos agrícolas são essenciais para a obtenção de resultados positivos. O modo como conduzem seus veículos e realizam as tarefas diárias afeta o nível de segurança e eficiência dos seus ativos. Conheça o MyMiX, um aplicativo de engajamento de motoristas desenvolvido especificamente para estimular e melhorar a conduta dos motoristas. Os operadores têm acesso direto a informações úteis que permitem monitorar e gerenciar o desempenho dos motoristas.
A fadiga e a distração de motoristas são duas das maiores causas de acidentes, tanto em estradas como no campo. É fundamental monitorar os riscos relativos a operadores ou motoristas para aprimorar a segurança. O MiX Vision AI é um sistema de câmera modular que adota sofisticada tecnologia de IA para alertar sobre eventos como distração, tabagismo, uso de celular e uso de cinto de segurança.
MiX Driver ID le ayuda a gestionar las horas de funcionamiento, alertas y auditorías de infracciones durante el funcionamiento de la maquinaria y notifica a los directores de explotaciones agrícolas de posibles daños en el vehículo.
Los operadores de equipos agrícolas son parte integral de los resultados exitosos. La forma en que conducen sus vehículos y realizan tareas diarias afecta a la seguridad y eficiencia de sus activos. Conozca MyMiX, una aplicación de compromiso con el conductor diseñada específicamente para fomentar y mejorar el comportamiento del conductor. Los operadores obtienen acceso directo a información útil que les permite supervisar y gestionar su rendimiento.
La fatiga y la distracción del conductor son dos de las principales causas de incidentes, ya sea por carretera o por el lado del campo. Para mejorar la seguridad, es fundamental supervisar los riesgos relacionados con el operador o el conductor. MiX Vision AI es un sistema de cámara modular que utiliza una sofisticada tecnología de IA para alertar sobre eventos como distracción, fumar, uso del teléfono y uso del cinturón de seguridad.
MiX Driver ID helps you manage operating hours, alerts to and audits infringements while operating machinery and notifies farm managers of potential vehicle damage.
Farm equipment operators are integral to successful outcomes. The way they drive your vehicles and perform daily tasks impacts how safe and efficient your assets are. Meet MyMiX, a driver engagement app specifically designed to encourage and improve driver behaviours. Operators get direct access to useful information which empowers them to monitor and manage their performance.
Driver fatigue and distraction are two of the biggest causes of incidents, whether it be by roadside or fieldside. It's vital to monitor operator or driver-related risks to improve safety. MiX Vision AI is a modular camera system that uses sophisticated AI technology to alert to events like distraction, smoking, phone use, and seatbelt use.
Knowing the locations of multiple vehicles and farm machinery can help you better manage field operations and other farm work. Get real-time location data to facilitate better decision making when it comes to logistics and planning that can optimize efficiency.
Knowing the locations of multiple vehicles and farm machinery can help you better manage field operations and other farm work. Get real-time location data to facilitate better decision making when it comes to logistics and planning that can optimise efficiency.
Knowing the locations of multiple vehicles and farm machinery can help you better manage field operations and other farm work. Get real-time location data to facilitate better decision making when it comes to logistics and planning that can optimise efficiency.
Knowing the locations of multiple vehicles and farm machinery can help you better manage field operations and other farm work. Get real-time location data to facilitate better decision making when it comes to logistics and planning that can optimise efficiency.
Knowing the locations of multiple vehicles and farm machinery can help you better manage field operations and other farm work. Get real-time location data to facilitate better decision making when it comes to logistics and planning that can optimize efficiency.
Conocer la ubicación de varios vehículos y maquinaria agrícola puede ayudarle a gestionar mejor las operaciones en el campo y otros trabajos agrícolas. Obtenga datos de ubicación en tiempo real para facilitar una mejor toma de decisiones cuando se trata de logística y planificación que pueden optimizar la eficiencia.
Saber a localização de vários veículos e máquinas agrícolas pode ajudar você a gerenciar melhor as operações de campo e outras atividades. Obtenha dados de localização em tempo real para tomar a decisão certa em relação à logística e planejamento a fim de otimizar a eficiência.
Knowing the locations of multiple vehicles and farm machinery can help you better manage field operations and other farm work. Get real-time location data to facilitate better decision making when it comes to logistics and planning that can optimise efficiency.
Use our KPI-focused dashboard to power decision-making in order to improve production and overall efficiency.
Use our KPI-focused dashboard to power decision-making in order to improve production and overall efficiency. Our dashboards use the data captured from your farming assets and operators every day to track progress and provide you with practical guidance on what more you can do.
Cut harmful emissions by monitoring fuel use and driver events that lead to excessive consumption, these events include excessive idling, harsh braking, and harsh acceleration.
Cut harmful emissions by monitoring fuel use and driver events that lead to excessive consumption, these events include excessive idling, harsh braking, and harsh acceleration. You're also able to pinpoint problem areas throughout your farming operations with our smart KPI dashboards that provide you with digestible data that are simple to interpret.
Locate your vehicles and assets at any time. Improve planning and production, by keeping an eye on asset utilization with a full view of where machinery is being operated at any given time.
Locate your vehicles and assets at any time. Improve planning and production, by keeping an eye on asset utilization with a full view of where machinery is being operated at any given time.
In Construction, safety, environmental sustainability and efficiency are incredibly important, but we also help our Construction customers stay compliant.
Schedule more jobs per machine or asset by using customized solutions for operating, scheduling, and dispatching. This includes planned vs. actual duration of work by monitoring engine hours and accessing engine diagnostics where predetermined maintenance alerts have been set so that you can focus on other farm work without worrying about required maintenance or downtime as a result of missed maintenance.
All farm and field workers must know which areas to avoid and tend to the areas that require specific treatment, such as soil cultivation and harvesting.
All farm and field workers must know which areas to avoid and tend to the areas that require specific treatment, such as soil cultivation and harvesting. With GPS technology via asset tracking and monitoring, farm managers can set up geofences for areas to avoid. This is especially useful for soil cultivation.
Use our KPI-focused dashboard to power decision-making in order to improve production and overall efficiency.
Use our KPI-focused dashboard to power decision-making in order to improve production and overall efficiency. Our dashboards use the data captured from your farming assets and operators every day to track progress and provide you with practical guidance on what more you can do.
Cut harmful emissions by monitoring fuel use and driver events that lead to excessive consumption, these events include excessive idling, harsh braking, and harsh acceleration.
Cut harmful emissions by monitoring fuel use and driver events that lead to excessive consumption, these events include excessive idling, harsh braking, and harsh acceleration. You're also able to pinpoint problem areas throughout your farming operations with our smart KPI dashboards that provide you with digestible data that are simple to interpret.
Locate your vehicles and assets at any time. Improve planning and production, by keeping an eye on asset utilization with a full view of where machinery is being operated at any given time.
Locate your vehicles and assets at any time. Improve planning and production, by keeping an eye on asset utilization with a full view of where machinery is being operated at any given time.
Schedule more jobs per machine or asset by using customised solutions for operating, scheduling and dispatching.
Schedule more jobs per machine or asset by using customised solutions for operating, scheduling and dispatching. This includes planned vs. actual duration of work by monitoring engine hours and accessing engine diagnostics where predetermined maintenance alerts have been set so that you can focus on other farm work without worrying about required maintenance or downtime as a result of missed maintenance.
All farm and field workers must know which areas to avoid and tend to the areas that require specific treatment, such as soil cultivation and harvesting.
All farm and field workers must know which areas to avoid and tend to the areas that require specific treatment, such as soil cultivation and harvesting. With GPS technology via asset tracking and monitoring, farm managers can set up geofences for areas to avoid. This is especially useful for soil cultivation.
Use our KPI-focused dashboard to power decision-making in order to improve production and overall efficiency.
Use our KPI-focused dashboard to power decision-making in order to improve production and overall efficiency. Our dashboards use the data captured from your farming assets and operators every day to track progress and provide you with practical guidance on what more you can do.
Cut harmful emissions by monitoring fuel use and driver events that lead to excessive consumption, these events include excessive idling, harsh braking, and harsh acceleration.
Cut harmful emissions by monitoring fuel use and driver events that lead to excessive consumption, these events include excessive idling, harsh braking, and harsh acceleration. You're also able to pinpoint problem areas throughout your farming operations with our smart KPI dashboards that provide you with digestible data that are simple to interpret.
Locate your vehicles and assets at any time. Improve planning and production, by keeping an eye on asset utilization with a full view of where machinery is being operated at any given time.
Locate your vehicles and assets at any time. Improve planning and production, by keeping an eye on asset utilization with a full view of where machinery is being operated at any given time.
Schedule more jobs per machine or asset by using customised solutions for operating, scheduling and dispatching.
Schedule more jobs per machine or asset by using customised solutions for operating, scheduling and dispatching. This includes planned vs. actual duration of work by monitoring engine hours and accessing engine diagnostics where predetermined maintenance alerts have been set so that you can focus on other farm work without worrying about required maintenance or downtime as a result of missed maintenance.
All farm and field workers must know which areas to avoid and tend to the areas that require specific treatment, such as soil cultivation and harvesting.
All farm and field workers must know which areas to avoid and tend to the areas that require specific treatment, such as soil cultivation and harvesting. With GPS technology via asset tracking and monitoring, farm managers can set up geofences for areas to avoid. This is especially useful for soil cultivation.
Use our KPI-focused dashboard to power decision-making in order to improve production and overall efficiency.
Use our KPI-focused dashboard to power decision-making in order to improve production and overall efficiency. Our dashboards use the data captured from your farming assets and operators every day to track progress and provide you with practical guidance on what more you can do.
Cut harmful emissions by monitoring fuel use and driver events that lead to excessive consumption, these events include excessive idling, harsh braking, and harsh acceleration.
Cut harmful emissions by monitoring fuel use and driver events that lead to excessive consumption, these events include excessive idling, harsh braking, and harsh acceleration. You're also able to pinpoint problem areas throughout your farming operations with our smart KPI dashboards that provide you with digestible data that are simple to interpret.
Locate your vehicles and assets at any time. Improve planning and production, by keeping an eye on asset utilization with a full view of where machinery is being operated at any given time.
Locate your vehicles and assets at any time. Improve planning and production, by keeping an eye on asset utilization with a full view of where machinery is being operated at any given time.
Schedule more jobs per machine or asset by using customised solutions for operating, scheduling and dispatching.
Schedule more jobs per machine or asset by using customised solutions for operating, scheduling and dispatching. This includes planned vs. actual duration of work by monitoring engine hours and accessing engine diagnostics where predetermined maintenance alerts have been set so that you can focus on other farm work without worrying about required maintenance or downtime as a result of missed maintenance.
All farm and field workers must know which areas to avoid and tend to the areas that require specific treatment, such as soil cultivation and harvesting.
All farm and field workers must know which areas to avoid and tend to the areas that require specific treatment, such as soil cultivation and harvesting. With GPS technology via asset tracking and monitoring, farm managers can set up geofences for areas to avoid. This is especially useful for soil cultivation.
Use our KPI-focused dashboard to power decision-making in order to improve production and overall efficiency.
Use our KPI-focused dashboard to power decision-making in order to improve production and overall efficiency. Our dashboards use the data captured from your farming assets and operators every day to track progress and provide you with practical guidance on what more you can do.
Cut harmful emissions by monitoring fuel use and driver events that lead to excessive consumption, these events include excessive idling, harsh braking, and harsh acceleration.
Cut harmful emissions by monitoring fuel use and driver events that lead to excessive consumption, these events include excessive idling, harsh braking, and harsh acceleration. You're also able to pinpoint problem areas throughout your farming operations with our smart KPI dashboards that provide you with digestible data that are simple to interpret.
Locate your vehicles and assets at any time. Improve planning and production, by keeping an eye on asset utilization with a full view of where machinery is being operated at any given time.
Locate your vehicles and assets at any time. Improve planning and production, by keeping an eye on asset utilization with a full view of where machinery is being operated at any given time.
In Construction, safety, environmental sustainability and efficiency are incredibly important, but we also help our Construction customers stay compliant.
Schedule more jobs per machine or asset by using customized solutions for operating, scheduling, and dispatching. This includes planned vs. actual duration of work by monitoring engine hours and accessing engine diagnostics where predetermined maintenance alerts have been set so that you can focus on other farm work without worrying about required maintenance or downtime as a result of missed maintenance.
All farm and field workers must know which areas to avoid and tend to the areas that require specific treatment, such as soil cultivation and harvesting.
All farm and field workers must know which areas to avoid and tend to the areas that require specific treatment, such as soil cultivation and harvesting. With GPS technology via asset tracking and monitoring, farm managers can set up geofences for areas to avoid. This is especially useful for soil cultivation.
Elimine emissões nocivas monitorando o uso e os eventos de motoristas que resultam em consumo elevado de combustível, incluindo ociosidade excessiva.
Elimine emissões nocivas monitorando o uso e os eventos de motoristas que resultam em consumo elevado de combustível, incluindo ociosidade excessiva, frenagem brusca e aceleração repentina. Também é possível identificar as áreas problemáticas durante todas as operações agrícolas com os painéis de KPI que fornecem dados de fácil compreensão e interpretação.
Localize seus veículos e ativos a qualquer instante. Aprimore o planejamento e a produção por meio do acompanhamento da utilização de ativos.
Localize seus veículos e ativos a qualquer instante. Aprimore o planejamento e a produção por meio do acompanhamento da utilização de ativos. Conte com uma visão completa e instantânea de onde o maquinário está sendo operado a qualquer instante.
Programe mais tarefas por máquina ou ativo usando soluções personalizadas para operação, agendamento e expedição. Isso inclui a duração planejada vs. efetiva do trabalho ao monitorar.
Programe mais tarefas por máquina ou ativo usando soluções personalizadas para operação, agendamento e expedição. Isso inclui a duração planejada vs. efetiva do trabalho ao monitorar as horas de atividade dos motores e ao acessar diagnósticos do motor quando alertas de manutenção predefinidos forem acionados. Assim, você se concentra em outras atividades agrícolas sem se preocupar com manutenções necessárias ou paralisações resultantes da falta de manutenção.
Todos os trabalhadores da fazenda e do campo devem conhecer quais áreas evitar e cuidar das áreas que exigem tratamento específico.
Todos os trabalhadores da fazenda e do campo devem conhecer quais áreas evitar e cuidar das áreas que exigem tratamento específico, como o cultivo do solo e a colheita. Com a tecnologia de GPS por meio do rastreio e monitoramento de ativos, os gestores agrícolas podem estabelecer demarcações geográficas para as áreas que devem ser evitadas. Isso é especialmente útil para o cultivo do solo.
Use nosso painel orientado por KPIs para potencializar a tomada de decisões e melhorar a produção e a eficiência geral. Nossos painéis usam dados capturados.
Use nosso painel orientado por KPIs para potencializar a tomada de decisões e melhorar a produção e a eficiência geral. Nossos painéis usam dados capturados diariamente dos operadores e ativos agrícolas a fim de acompanhar o progresso e oferecer orientações práticas sobre o que mais pode ser feito.
Reduzca las emisiones perjudiciales mediante el monitoreo del uso de combustible y los eventos del conductor que producen un consumo excesivo.
Reduzca las emisiones perjudiciales mediante el monitoreo del uso de combustible y los eventos del conductor que producen un consumo excesivo. Estos eventos incluyen un ralentí excesivo, frenadas bruscas y aceleración brusca. También puede identificar áreas problemáticas en sus operaciones agrícolas con nuestros paneles inteligentes de KPI que le proporcionan datos digeribles que son fáciles de interpretar.
Localice sus vehículos y activos en cualquier momento. Mejore la planificación y la producción al vigilar la utilización.
Localice sus vehículos y activos en cualquier momento. Mejore la planificación y la producción al vigilar la utilización de los activos con una visión completa de dónde se está utilizando la maquinaria en un momento dado.
Programe más trabajos por máquina o activo mediante soluciones personalizadas para el funcionamiento, la programación y el despacho.
Programe más trabajos por máquina o activo mediante soluciones personalizadas para el funcionamiento, la programación y el despacho. Esto incluye la duración planificada frente a la real del trabajo mediante el monitoreo de las horas del motor y el acceso al diagnóstico del motor, donde se han establecido alertas de mantenimiento predeterminadas para que pueda centrarse en otros trabajos agrícolas sin preocuparse por el mantenimiento o tiempo de inactividad necesarios como resultado de una falta de mantenimiento.
Todos los trabajadores agrícolas y de campo deben saber qué áreas evitar y tender a las áreas que requieren tratamiento específico.
Todos los trabajadores agrícolas y de campo deben saber qué áreas evitar y tender a las áreas que requieren tratamiento específico, como el cultivo y la cosecha del suelo. Con la tecnología GPS a través del seguimiento y la monitoreo de activos, los administradores agrícolas pueden configurar geofences para áreas a evitar. Esto es especialmente útil para el cultivo del suelo.
Utilice nuestro panel de control centrado en KPI para impulsar la toma de decisiones con el fin de mejorar la producción y la eficiencia general.
Utilice nuestro panel de control centrado en KPI para impulsar la toma de decisiones con el fin de mejorar la producción y la eficiencia general. Nuestros paneles de control utilizan los datos capturados de sus activos agrícolas y operadores cada día para realizar un seguimiento del progreso y proporcionarle orientación práctica sobre qué más puede hacer.
Use our KPI-focused dashboard to power decision-making in order to improve production and overall efficiency.
Use our KPI-focused dashboard to power decision-making in order to improve production and overall efficiency. Our dashboards use the data captured from your farming assets and operators every day to track progress and provide you with practical guidance on what more you can do.
Cut harmful emissions by monitoring fuel use and driver events that lead to excessive consumption, these events include excessive idling, harsh braking, and harsh acceleration.
Cut harmful emissions by monitoring fuel use and driver events that lead to excessive consumption, these events include excessive idling, harsh braking, and harsh acceleration. You're also able to pinpoint problem areas throughout your farming operations with our smart KPI dashboards that provide you with digestible data that are simple to interpret.
Locate your vehicles and assets at any time. Improve planning and production, by keeping an eye on asset utilization with a full view of where machinery is being operated at any given time.
Locate your vehicles and assets at any time. Improve planning and production, by keeping an eye on asset utilization with a full view of where machinery is being operated at any given time.
Schedule more jobs per machine or asset by using customised solutions for operating, scheduling and dispatching.
Schedule more jobs per machine or asset by using customised solutions for operating, scheduling and dispatching. This includes planned vs. actual duration of work by monitoring engine hours and accessing engine diagnostics where predetermined maintenance alerts have been set so that you can focus on other farm work without worrying about required maintenance or downtime as a result of missed maintenance.
All farm and field workers must know which areas to avoid and tend to the areas that require specific treatment, such as soil cultivation and harvesting.
All farm and field workers must know which areas to avoid and tend to the areas that require specific treatment, such as soil cultivation and harvesting. With GPS technology via asset tracking and monitoring, farm managers can set up geofences for areas to avoid. This is especially useful for soil cultivation.
Product and Marketing Manager, MiX Brazil
"The benefits of leveraging telematics to improve metrics across key areas of an agribusiness is an important adoption in this sector as it has numerous gains for the farm manager."
Product and Marketing Manager, MiX Brazil
"The benefits of leveraging telematics to improve metrics across key areas of an agribusiness is an important adoption in this sector as it has numerous gains for the farm manager."
Product and Marketing Manager, MiX Brazil
"The benefits of leveraging telematics to improve metrics across key areas of an agribusiness is an important adoption in this sector as it has numerous gains for the farm manager."
Product and Marketing Manager, MiX Brazil
"The benefits of leveraging telematics to improve metrics across key areas of an agribusiness is an important adoption in this sector as it has numerous gains for the farm manager."
Product and Marketing Manager, MiX Brazil
"The benefits of leveraging telematics to improve metrics across key areas of an agribusiness is an important adoption in this sector as it has numerous gains for the farm manager."
Product and Marketing Manager, MiX Brazil
"The benefits of leveraging telematics to improve metrics across key areas of an agribusiness is an important adoption in this sector as it has numerous gains for the farm manager."
Product and Marketing Manager, MiX Brazil
"The benefits of leveraging telematics to improve metrics across key areas of an agribusiness is an important adoption in this sector as it has numerous gains for the farm manager."
Product and Marketing Manager, MiX Brazil
"The benefits of leveraging telematics to improve metrics across key areas of an agribusiness is an important adoption in this sector as it has numerous gains for the farm manager."
Product and Marketing Manager, MiX Brazil
"The benefits of leveraging telematics to improve metrics across key areas of an agribusiness is an important adoption in this sector as it has numerous gains for the farm manager."
Product and Marketing Manager, MiX Brazil
"The benefits of leveraging telematics to improve metrics across key areas of an agribusiness is an important adoption in this sector as it has numerous gains for the farm manager."
Gerente de Produtos & Marketing - MiX LATAM
"Os benefícios de promover a telemetria para aperfeiçoar as métricas nas principais áreas do agronegócio é uma decisão importante para esse setor, pois se converte em inúmeras vantagens para o gestor agrícola."
Gerente de Produtos & Marketing - MiX LATAM
"Os benefícios de promover a telemetria para aperfeiçoar as métricas nas principais áreas do agronegócio é uma decisão importante para esse setor, pois se converte em inúmeras vantagens para o gestor agrícola."
Gerente de Productos y Marketing - MiX LATAM
"Las ventajas de aprovechar la telemática para mejorar las métricas en las áreas clave de un negocio agrícola es una adopción importante en este sector, ya que tiene numerosas ventajas para el gestor agrícola."
Gerente de Productos y Marketing - MiX LATAM
"Las ventajas de aprovechar la telemática para mejorar las métricas en las áreas clave de un negocio agrícola es una adopción importante en este sector, ya que tiene numerosas ventajas para el gestor agrícola."
Product and Marketing Manager, MiX Brazil
"The benefits of leveraging telematics to improve metrics across key areas of an agribusiness is an important adoption in this sector as it has numerous gains for the farm manager."
Product and Marketing Manager, MiX Brazil
"The benefits of leveraging telematics to improve metrics across key areas of an agribusiness is an important adoption in this sector as it has numerous gains for the farm manager."
MiX Telematics has been in business for decades and in that time we have seen consistent results across all types of industries with fleets of all sizes:
MiX Telematics has been in business for decades and in that time we have seen consistent results across all types of industries with fleets of all sizes:
MiX Telematics has been in business for decades and in that time we have seen consistent results across all types of industries with fleets of all sizes:
MiX Telematics has been in business for decades and in that time we have seen consistent results across all types of industries with fleets of all sizes:
MiX Telematics has been in business for decades and in that time we have seen consistent results across all types of industries with fleets of all sizes:
A MiX Telematics está presente há décadas e, no decorrer desse período, obtivemos resultados consistentes em todos os setores com frotas de todos os tamanhos:
MiX Telematics lleva décadas en el negocio y en ese tiempo hemos visto resultados coherentes en todos los tipos de industrias con flotas de todos los tamaños:
MiX Telematics has been in business for decades and in that time we have seen consistent results across all types of industries with fleets of all sizes:
Transporte e distribuição
A small, unobtrusive asset tracking device that can be easily self-installed without the help of a technician. This device tracks driver behavior and fleet performance and provides both mobile and web real-time alerts for driving events and driving hours. The hardwired GPS tracker is rugged and ideally suited to remote areas for connection to drivers and assets at all times. Other features include geofencing notifications and service reminders.
MiX 4000 is a sophisticated telematics solution that comprises robust hardware that tracks the precise location of vehicles using GPS and GSM technology to reach even the most remote areas, reliably. It also includes an onboard accelerometer, geofencing capabilities, driving event notifications, long-life backup batteries, driver ID, and more. Fleet leaders get access to rich data that gives them full-view of their vehicle and driver performance.
MyMiX Tracking is an app that utilizes cellphone technology to help you accurately track vehicles in real-time while also monitoring all driver behaviors that may be unsafe or inefficient. Send notifications to drivers on important events. No hardware installation is required, and thus no vehicle downtime! Just download and go.
Turn on the power of AI- and ADAS-powered dash cams within your fleet. Get intelligent insight into risky driving behaviors, like fatigue, distraction, speeding, seatbelt usage, and more to prevent accidents and reduce fleet risk. This in-cab and road-facing camera solution also includes a driver coach device with which you can communicate with drivers in real-time to help them improve their driving style.
A small, unobtrusive asset tracking device that can be easily self-installed without the help of a technician. This device tracks driver behaviour and fleet performance and provides both mobile and web real-time alerts for driving events and driving hours. The hardwired GPS tracker is rugged and ideally suited to remote areas for connection to drivers and assets at all times. Other features include geofencing notifications and service reminders.
MiX 4000 is a sophisticated telematics solution that comprises robust hardware that tracks the precise location of vehicles using GPS and GSM technology to reach even the most remote areas, reliably. It also includes an onboard accelerometer, geofencing capabilities, driving event notifications, long-life backup batteries, driver ID, and more. Fleet leaders get access to rich data that gives them a full-view of their vehicle and driver performance.
MyMiX Tracking is an app that utilizes cellphone technology to help you accurately track vehicles in real-time while also monitoring all driver behaviors that may be unsafe or inefficient. Send notifications to drivers on important events. No hardware installation is required, and thus no vehicle downtime! Just download and go.
Turn on the power of AI- and ADAS-powered dash cams within your fleet. Get intelligent insight into risky driving behaviors, like fatigue, distraction, speeding, seatbelt usage, and more to prevent accidents and reduce fleet risk. This in-cab and road-facing camera solution also includes a driver coach device with which you can communicate with drivers in real-time to help them improve their driving style.
A small, unobtrusive asset tracking device that can be easily self-installed without the help of a technician. This device tracks driver behaviour and fleet performance and provides both mobile and web real-time alerts for driving events and driving hours. The hardwired GPS tracker is rugged and ideally suited to remote areas for connection to drivers and assets at all times. Other features include geofencing notifications and service reminders.
MiX 4000 is a sophisticated telematics solution that comprises robust hardware that tracks the precise location of vehicles using GPS and GSM technology to reach even the most remote areas, reliably. It also includes an onboard accelerometer, geofencing capabilities, driving event notifications, long-life backup batteries, driver ID, and more. Fleet leaders get access to rich data that gives them a full-view of their vehicle and driver performance.
MyMiX Tracking is an app that utilizes cellphone technology to help you accurately track vehicles in real-time while also monitoring all driver behaviors that may be unsafe or inefficient. Send notifications to drivers on important events. No hardware installation is required, and thus no vehicle downtime! Just download and go.
Turn on the power of AI- and ADAS-powered dash cams within your fleet. Get intelligent insight into risky driving behaviors, like fatigue, distraction, speeding, seatbelt usage, and more to prevent accidents and reduce fleet risk. This in-cab and road-facing camera solution also includes a driver coach device with which you can communicate with drivers in real-time to help them improve their driving style.
A small, unobtrusive asset tracking device that can be easily self-installed without the help of a technician. This device tracks driver behaviour and fleet performance and provides both mobile and web real-time alerts for driving events and driving hours. The hardwired GPS tracker is rugged and ideally suited to remote areas for connection to drivers and assets at all times. Other features include geofencing notifications and service reminders.
MiX 4000 is a sophisticated telematics solution that comprises robust hardware that tracks the precise location of vehicles using GPS and GSM technology to reach even the most remote areas, reliably. It also includes an onboard accelerometer, geofencing capabilities, driving event notifications, long-life backup batteries, driver ID, and more. Fleet leaders get access to rich data that gives them a full-view of their vehicle and driver performance.
MyMiX Tracking is an app that utilizes cellphone technology to help you accurately track vehicles in real-time while also monitoring all driver behaviors that may be unsafe or inefficient. Send notifications to drivers on important events. No hardware installation is required, and thus no vehicle downtime! Just download and go.
Turn on the power of AI- and ADAS-powered dash cams within your fleet. Get intelligent insight into risky driving behaviors, like fatigue, distraction, speeding, seatbelt usage, and more to prevent accidents and reduce fleet risk. This in-cab and road-facing camera solution also includes a driver coach device with which you can communicate with drivers in real-time to help them improve their driving style.
A small, unobtrusive asset tracking device that can be easily self-installed without the help of a technician. This device tracks driver behavior and fleet performance and provides both mobile and web real-time alerts for driving events and driving hours. The hardwired GPS tracker is rugged and ideally suited to remote areas for connection to drivers and assets at all times. Other features include geofencing notifications and service reminders.
MiX 4000 is a sophisticated telematics solution that comprises robust hardware that tracks the precise location of vehicles using GPS and GSM technology to reach even the most remote areas, reliably. It also includes an onboard accelerometer, geofencing capabilities, driving event notifications, long-life backup batteries, driver ID, and more. Fleet leaders get access to rich data that gives them full-view of their vehicle and driver performance.
MyMiX Tracking is an app that utilizes cellphone technology to help you accurately track vehicles in real-time while also monitoring all driver behaviors that may be unsafe or inefficient. Send notifications to drivers on important events. No hardware installation is required, and thus no vehicle downtime! Just download and go.
Turn on the power of AI- and ADAS-powered dash cams within your fleet. Get intelligent insight into risky driving behaviors, like fatigue, distraction, speeding, seatbelt usage, and more to prevent accidents and reduce fleet risk. This in-cab and road-facing camera solution also includes a driver coach device with which you can communicate with drivers in real-time to help them improve their driving style.
Um pequeno e discreto dispositivo de rastreio de ativos que pode ser facilmente instalado por conta própria, sem ajuda de um técnico. Esse dispositivo monitora o comportamento do motorista e o desempenho da frota, além de emitir alertas móveis e online em tempo real para eventos e horas de trabalho. O rastreador GPS com fio é robusto e ideal para a conexão ininterrupta com motoristas e ativos em áreas remotas. Outros recursos incluem notificações de demarcação geográfica e lembretes de serviços.
O MiX 4000 é uma sofisticada solução telemetria que consiste em um hardware robusto que rastreia a localização precisa de veículos usando tecnologias de GPS e GSM para alcançar até mesmo as áreas mais remotas com confiabilidade. A solução também inclui um acelerômetro integrado, funcionalidades de demarcação geográfica, notificações de eventos de condução, baterias de reserva de longa vida, ID do motorista e muito mais. Os líderes de frotas têm acesso a dados valiosos que fornecem uma visão completa do desempenho de veículos e motoristas.
O MyMiX Tracking é um aplicativo que usa a tecnologia da telefonia celular para ajudar você a rastrear veículos em tempo real e ainda monitorar todos os comportamentos do motorista que possam ser arriscados ou ineficientes. Envio de notificações para motoristas sobre eventos importantes. Sem necessidade de instalar hardware, portanto, nenhuma inatividade do veículo. Basta baixar e usar.
Ative o poder das câmeras de painel com recursos de IA e ADAS em sua frota. Obtenha informações inteligentes para comportamentos de direção perigosa, como fadiga, distração, excesso de velocidade, uso do cinto de segurança e muito mais para prevenir acidentes e reduzir os riscos da frota. Essa solução conta com uma câmera no interior da cabine e outra direcionada à rodovia. Ela também inclui um dispositivo instrutor de motorista com o qual é possível se comunicar em tempo real com os motoristas para ajudá-los a melhorar seu estilo de direção.
Un pequeño y discreto dispositivo de seguimiento de activos que se puede instalar fácilmente sin la ayuda de un técnico. Este dispositivo realiza un seguimiento del comportamiento del conductor y del rendimiento de la flota, y proporciona alertas en tiempo real tanto móviles como web para eventos de conducción y horas de conducción. El rastreador GPS con cable es resistente y se adapta perfectamente a zonas remotas para conectarse a conductores y activos en todo momento. Otras funciones incluyen notificaciones de geofencing y recordatorios de servicio.
MiX 4000 es una solución telemática sofisticada que consta de un hardware robusto que realiza un seguimiento de la ubicación precisa de los vehículos que utilizan tecnología GPS y GSM para llegar incluso a las zonas más remotas de forma confiable. También incluye un acelerómetro integrado, funciones de geofencing, notificaciones de eventos de conducción, baterías de respaldo de larga duración, ID de conductor, y mucho más. Los líderes de flotas tienen acceso a datos enriquecidos que les ofrecen una visión completa de su vehículo y del rendimiento del conductor.
MyMiX Tracking es una aplicación que utiliza la tecnología de telefonía móvil para ayudarle a realizar un seguimiento preciso de los vehículos en tiempo real, al tiempo que supervisa todos los comportamientos del conductor que pueden ser inseguros o ineficientes. Envíe notificaciones a los conductores sobre eventos importantes. No se requiere instalación de hardware y, por tanto, no se requiere tiempo de inactividad del vehículo. Sólo tiene que descargar y listo.
Encienda la potencia de las cámaras del salpicadero con tecnología AI y ADAS de su flota. Obtenga información inteligente sobre comportamientos de conducción peligrosos, como fatiga, distracción, velocidad, uso de cinturones de seguridad, y más para prevenir accidentes y reducir el riesgo de flota. Esta solución de cámara en la cabina y orientada a la carretera también incluye un dispositivo de autobús para el conductor con el que puede comunicarse con los conductores en tiempo real para ayudarles a mejorar su estilo de conducción.
A small, unobtrusive asset tracking device that can be easily self-installed without the help of a technician. This device tracks driver behaviour and fleet performance and provides both mobile and web real-time alerts for driving events and driving hours. The hardwired GPS tracker is rugged and ideally suited to remote areas for connection to drivers and assets at all times. Other features include geofencing notifications and service reminders.
MiX 4000 is a sophisticated telematics solution that comprises robust hardware that tracks the precise location of vehicles using GPS and GSM technology to reach even the most remote areas, reliably. It also includes an onboard accelerometer, geofencing capabilities, driving event notifications, long-life backup batteries, driver ID, and more. Fleet leaders get access to rich data that gives them a full-view of their vehicle and driver performance.
MyMiX Tracking is an app that utilizes cellphone technology to help you accurately track vehicles in real-time while also monitoring all driver behaviors that may be unsafe or inefficient. Send notifications to drivers on important events. No hardware installation is required, and thus no vehicle downtime! Just download and go.
Turn on the power of AI- and ADAS-powered dash cams within your fleet. Get intelligent insight into risky driving behaviors, like fatigue, distraction, speeding, seatbelt usage, and more to prevent accidents and reduce fleet risk. This in-cab and road-facing camera solution also includes a driver coach device with which you can communicate with drivers in real-time to help them improve their driving style.
To talk about your Agriculture fleet requirements
To talk about your Agriculture fleet requirements
To talk about your Agriculture fleet requirements
To talk about your Agriculture fleet requirements
To talk about your Agriculture fleet requirements
Para falar sobre requisitos da sua frota agrícola
Para hablar sobre los requisitos de su flota agrícola
To talk about your Agriculture fleet requirements
Eliminate guesswork with an accurate view of your vehicles and assets in real-time. Manage your operations with unlimited access to information and a host of features, tools and support.
Elimine suposições com uma visão precisa de seus veículos e ativos em tempo real. Gerencie suas operações com acesso ilimitado a informações e a uma gama de recursos, ferramentas e suporte.
Elimine las conjeturas con una vista precisa de sus vehículos y activos en tiempo real. Gestione sus operaciones con acceso ilimitado a la información y una gran variedad de funciones, herramientas y asistencia.
With either plug-and-play or self-install GPS tracking options, you get full visibility of both driver and vehicle location. These options monitor movements on a map in real-time while offering the opportunity to also look back at historical trips for analysis and decision-making. By simply logging in to a user-friendly, cloud-based platform, you gain access to advanced vehicle and driver data, tracking information and, fuel and energy usage.
Com opções de rastreio por GPS plug-and-play ou GPS de instalação automática, obtenha plena visibilidade do motorista e da localização do veículo. Estas opções monitoram os movimentos dentro de um mapa em tempo real e oferecem a oportunidade de conferir o histórico de viagens para análise e tomada de decisão. Basta entrar em uma plataforma fácil de usar e baseada na nuvem para que você tenha acesso a dados avançados de veículos e motoristas, além de informações de rastreio e de consumo de combustível e energia.
Con las opciones de seguimiento GPS plug-and-play o autoinstalables, obtendrá una visibilidad completa de la ubicación del conductor y del vehículo. Estas opciones supervisan los movimientos en un mapa en tiempo real, al tiempo que ofrecen la oportunidad de mirar hacia atrás los viajes históricos para el análisis y la toma de decisiones. Con solo iniciar sesión en una plataforma basada en la nube fácil de usar, obtendrá acceso a datos avanzados de vehículos y conductores, información de seguimiento y uso de combustible y energía.
Operators and fleet managers receive real-time alerts for risky driving behavior as captured by our road- and in-cab facing dash cams powered by Artificial Intelligence. The road-facing camera detects events like imminent collision, lane departure without signaling and too-close following distance. The in-cab facing camera tracks driver-related events such as fatigue, seatbelt usage, phone usage, distracted behavior and smoking while driving. Our video solution aims to improve fleet safety and efficiency.
Operadores e gerentes de frotas recebem alertas em tempo real quanto a comportamentos de direção perigosa, capturados por câmeras direcionadas à cabine e à estrada, dotadas de Inteligência Artificial. A câmera direcionada à estrada detecta eventos como colisões iminentes, mudanças de faixa sem sinalização e pouco distanciamento do veículo à frente. A câmera direcionada para o interior da cabine detecta eventos relacionados ao motorista, como fadiga, uso do cinto de segurança, uso de celular, distrações e tabagismo enquanto dirige. Nossa solução de vídeo tem por finalidade aprimorar a segurança e a eficiência das frotas.
Los operadores y los gestores de flotas reciben alertas en tiempo real sobre comportamientos de conducción arriesgados tal y como lo captan nuestras cámaras del salpicadero orientadas a la carretera y a la cabina con tecnología de inteligencia artificial. La cámara de orientación a la carretera detecta eventos como una colisión inminente, una salida de carril sin señalización y una distancia de seguimiento demasiado cercana. La cámara que da a la cabina realiza un seguimiento de los eventos relacionados con el conductor, como fatiga, uso del cinturón de seguridad, uso del teléfono, comportamiento distraído y fumar durante la conducción. Nuestra solución de video tiene como objetivo mejorar la seguridad y la eficiencia de la flota.
A key component of successful fleet management is the monitoring of driving style and recurrent risky driving behaviors. Not only is MiX Telematics a trusted software provider but also a pioneer in the area of app-based tracking. This innovation delivers all the expertise of full-featured tracking technology in a simplified, easy-to-access app.
Um componente importante da gestão de frota bem-sucedida é o monitoramento do estilo de condução e de recorrentes comportamentos de risco. A MiX Telematics não é apenas uma conceituada provedora de software, mas também uma pioneira no rastreamento baseado em aplicativo. Essa inovação entrega toda a especialização da tecnologia de rastreio com recursos completos em um aplicativo simplificado e de fácil acesso.
Un componente clave de una gestión de flotas exitosa es la monitoreo del estilo de conducción y los comportamientos de conducción de riesgo recurrentes. MiX Telematics no sólo es un proveedor de software de confianza, sino también pionero en el área del seguimiento basado en aplicaciones. Esta innovación ofrece toda la experiencia de la tecnología de seguimiento completa en una aplicación simplificada y de fácil acceso.
Fleet management solutions that offer fleet operators unlimited access to information about their vehicles and operators, with a host of features, tools and reports to help maximize return on investment.
Soluções de gestão de frota que oferecem aos operadores acesso ilimitado a informações sobre seus veículos e motoristas, contando com uma variedade de recursos, ferramentas e relatórios que ajudam a maximizar o retorno sobre o investimento.
Soluciones de gestión de flotas que ofrecen a los operadores de flotas acceso ilimitado a la información sobre sus vehículos y operadores, con una serie de funciones, herramientas e informes que ayudan a maximizar el retorno de la inversión.
MiX Telematics’ compliance solution adheres to industry specifications regarding performance, design and technical requirements. In addition, we help you maintain your O license or industry-specific compliance standard by keeping track of your fleet maintenance, electronic logging of driving hours, all while undergoing constant testing and plugging into the DTCO.
MiX Telematics’ compliance solution adheres to industry specifications regarding performance, design and technical requirements. In addition, we help you maintain your O license or industry-specific compliance standard by keeping track of your fleet maintenance, electronic logging of driving hours, all while undergoing constant testing and plugging into the DTCO.
MiX Telematics’ compliance solution adheres to industry specifications regarding performance, design and technical requirements. In addition, we help you maintain your O license or industry-specific compliance standard by keeping track of your fleet maintenance, electronic logging of driving hours, all while undergoing constant testing and plugging into the DTCO.