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Improve efficiency with data-driven insights.
Improve efficiency with data-driven insights.
Improve efficiency with data-driven insights.
Improve efficiency with data-driven insights.
Improve efficiency with data-driven insights.
Improve efficiency with data-driven insights.
G4S – 1,485 connected and protected vehicles and drivers.
G4S – 1,485 connected and protected vehicles and drivers.
G4S – 1,485 connected and protected vehicles and drivers.
G4S – 1,485 connected and protected vehicles and drivers.
G4S – 1,485 connected and protected vehicles and drivers.
G4S - 1.485 veículos e motoristas conectados e seguros.
G4S – 1.485 vehículos y conductores conectados y seguros.
G4S – 1,485 connected and protected vehicles and drivers.
G4S is a leading multinational integrated security company with a far-reaching heritage. The company offers a variety of security-related products, services and solutions. G4S aimed to reduce their environmental impact by lowering their carbon emissions and vastly improving their drivers’ safety.
The company chose MiX Telematics’ technology to reduce the environmental impact of fleet operations, minimize road collisions and optimize fuel spend for overall cost reduction. G4S reduced their carbon emissions by two tons with our Transport fleet management technology after reducing idling hours by 43%. They also increased their driver safety score by 66% and decreased their collision rate by 80% in just 6 months.
G4S is a leading multinational integrated security company with a far-reaching heritage. The company offers a variety of security-related products, services and solutions. G4S aimed to reduce their environmental impact by lowering their carbon emissions and vastly improving their drivers’ safety.
The company chose MiX Telematics’ technology to reduce the environmental impact of fleet operations, minimise road collisions and optimise fuel spend for overall cost reduction. G4S reduced their carbon emissions by two tons with our fleet management technology after reducing idling hours by 43%. They also increased their driver safety score by 66% and decreased their collision rate by 80% in just 6 months.
G4S is a leading multinational integrated security company with a far-reaching heritage. The company offers a variety of security-related products, services and solutions. G4S aimed to reduce their environmental impact by lowering their carbon emissions and vastly improving their drivers’ safety.
The company chose MiX Telematics’ technology to reduce the environmental impact of fleet operations, minimise road collisions and optimise fuel spend for overall cost reduction. G4S reduced their carbon emissions by two tons with our fleet management technology after reducing idling hours by 43%. They also increased their driver safety score by 66% and decreased their collision rate by 80% in just 6 months.
G4S is a leading multinational integrated security company with a far-reaching heritage. The company offers a variety of security-related products, services and solutions. G4S aimed to reduce their environmental impact by lowering their carbon emissions and vastly improving their drivers’ safety.
The company chose MiX Telematics’ technology to reduce the environmental impact of fleet operations, minimise road collisions and optimise fuel spend for overall cost reduction. G4S reduced their carbon emissions by two tons with our fleet management technology after reducing idling hours by 43%. They also increased their driver safety score by 66% and decreased their collision rate by 80% in just 6 months.
G4S is a leading multinational integrated security company with a far-reaching heritage. The company offers a variety of security-related products, services and solutions. G4S aimed to reduce their environmental impact by lowering their carbon emissions and vastly improving their drivers’ safety.
The company chose MiX Telematics’ technology to reduce the environmental impact of fleet operations, minimise road collisions and optimise fuel spend for overall cost reduction. G4S reduced their carbon emissions by two tons with our fleet management technology after reducing idling hours by 43%. They also increased their driver safety score by 66% and decreased their collision rate by 80% in just 6 months.
A G4S é uma multinacional líder em segurança integrada com um patrimônio de longo alcance. A empresa oferece uma variedade de produtos, serviços e soluções relacionados à segurança. A G4S teve como objetivo reduzir seu impacto ambiental diminuindo suas emissões de carbono e melhorar consideravelmente a segurança de seus motoristas.
A empresa escolheu a tecnologia da MiX Telematics para reduzir o impacto ambiental das operações da frota, minimizar colisões nas estradas e otimizar os gastos com combustível para redução geral de custos. Com nossa tecnologia de gestão de frotas, a G4S reduziu suas emissões de carbono em duas toneladas depois de reduzir as horas de marcha lenta em 43%. Eles também aumentaram sua pontuação de segurança dos motoristas em 66% e diminuíram sua taxa de colisão em 80%, em apenas 6 meses.
G4S es una multinacional líder en seguridad integrada con un activo de gran alcance. La compañía ofrece una variedad de productos, servicios y soluciones relacionados con la seguridad. G4S tenía como objetivo reducir su impacto ambiental mediante la reducción de sus emisiones de carbono y la mejora de la seguridad de sus conductores.
La compañía eligió la tecnología MiX Telematics para reducir el impacto ambiental de las operaciones de la flota, minimizar las colisiones viales y optimizar los costos de combustible para la reducción general de costos. Con nuestra tecnología de gestión de flotas, G4S redujo sus emisiones de carbono en dos toneladas después de reducir las horas de ralentí en un 43%. También aumentaron su puntaje de seguridad del conductor en un 66% y disminuyeron su tasa de colisión en un 80% en solo 6 meses.
G4S is a leading multinational integrated security company with a far-reaching heritage. The company offers a variety of security-related products, services and solutions. G4S aimed to reduce their environmental impact by lowering their carbon emissions and vastly improving their drivers’ safety.
The company chose MiX Telematics’ technology to reduce the environmental impact of fleet operations, minimise road collisions and optimise fuel spend for overall cost reduction. G4S reduced their carbon emissions by two tons with our fleet management technology after reducing idling hours by 43%. They also increased their driver safety score by 66% and decreased their collision rate by 80% in just 6 months.
When it comes to compliance, we offer accurate recordkeeping of working hours to prevent fatigue and help you remain compliant in the event of an audit or roadside inspection. MiX Telematics also ensures that you remain compliant with crucial operator license requirements by offering servicing and maintenance alerts to keep vehicles in working condition and save electronic records of roadside safety inspections.
When it comes to compliance, we offer accurate recordkeeping of working hours to prevent fatigue and help you remain compliant in the event of an audit or roadside inspection. MiX Telematics also ensures that you remain compliant with crucial operator license requirements by offering servicing and maintenance alerts to keep vehicles in working condition and save electronic records of roadside safety inspections.
When it comes to compliance, we offer accurate recordkeeping of working hours to prevent fatigue and help you remain compliant in the event of an audit or roadside inspection. MiX Telematics also ensures that you remain compliant with crucial operator license requirements by offering servicing and maintenance alerts to keep vehicles in working condition and save electronic records of roadside safety inspections.
When it comes to compliance, we offer accurate recordkeeping of working hours to prevent fatigue and help you remain compliant in the event of an audit or roadside inspection. MiX Telematics also ensures that you remain compliant with crucial operator license requirements by offering servicing and maintenance alerts to keep vehicles in working condition and save electronic records of roadside safety inspections.
When it comes to compliance, we offer accurate recordkeeping of working hours to prevent fatigue and help you remain compliant in the event of an audit or roadside inspection. MiX Telematics also ensures that you remain compliant with crucial operator license requirements by offering servicing and maintenance alerts to keep vehicles in working condition and save electronic records of roadside safety inspections.
Quando se trata de conformidade, oferecemos um registro preciso da jornada de trabalho para evitar a fadiga e te ajudar a permanecer de acordo, no caso de uma auditoria ou inspeção na estrada. A MiX Telematics também garante que a sua frota permaneça em conformidade com os requisitos cruciais de licença do motorista, oferecendo alertas de serviço e manutenção para manter os veículos em condições de trabalho e salvar registros eletrônicos de inspeções de segurança na estrada.
Cuando se trata de conformidad, ofrecemos un registro preciso de las horas de servicio para evitar la fatiga y ayudarlo a mantenerse en línea en caso de una auditoría o inspección en carretera. MiX Telematics también garantiza que su flota cumpla con los requisitos cruciales de licencia de conducir al proporcionar alertas de servicio y mantenimiento para mantener los vehículos en condiciones de trabajo y guardar los registros electrónicos de las inspecciones de seguridad vial.
When it comes to compliance, we offer accurate recordkeeping of working hours to prevent fatigue and help you remain compliant in the event of an audit or roadside inspection. MiX Telematics also ensures that you remain compliant with crucial operator license requirements by offering servicing and maintenance alerts to keep vehicles in working condition and save electronic records of roadside safety inspections.
Increased competition for routes and jobs means that fleet managers look to telematics’ providers for a sustainable way to defy market conditions. We partner with you to provide intelligent insights into routes and monitor jobs in real-time, providing you with the information to increase efficiency by planning job schedules effectively.
Fleet leaders gain an invaluable understanding about electric vehicle, hybrid and OEM vehicle data through our scalable Connected & Protected SaaS solution, all the data you need on one easy-to-use platform. We provide the information to make the most of your fleet’s data.
Increased competition for routes and jobs means that fleet managers look to telematics’ providers for a sustainable way to defy market conditions. We partner with you to provide intelligent insights into routes and monitor jobs in real-time, providing you with the information to increase efficiency by planning job schedules effectively..
Fleet leaders gain an invaluable understanding about electric vehicle, hybrid and OEM vehicle data through our scalable Connected & Protected SaaS solution, all the data you need on one easy-to-use platform. We provide the information to make the most of your fleet’s data.
Increased competition for routes and jobs means that fleet managers look to telematics’ providers for a sustainable way to defy market conditions. We partner with you to provide intelligent insights into routes and monitor jobs in real-time, providing you with the information to increase efficiency by planning job schedules effectively.
Fleet leaders gain an invaluable understanding about electric vehicle, hybrid and OEM vehicle data through our scalable Connected & Protected SaaS solution, all the data you need on one easy-to-use platform. We provide the information to make the most of your fleet’s data.
Increased competition for routes and jobs means that fleet managers look to telematics’ providers for a sustainable way to defy market conditions. We partner with you to provide intelligent insights into routes and monitor jobs in real-time, providing you with the information to increase efficiency by planning job schedules effectively.
Fleet leaders gain an invaluable understanding about electric vehicle, hybrid and OEM vehicle data through our scalable Connected & Protected SaaS solution, all the data you need on one easy-to-use platform. We provide the information to make the most of your fleet’s data.
Increased competition for routes and jobs means that fleet managers look to telematics’ providers for a sustainable way to defy market conditions. We partner with you to provide intelligent insights into routes and monitor jobs in real-time, providing you with the information to increase efficiency by planning job schedules effectively.
Fleet leaders gain an invaluable understanding about electric vehicle, hybrid and OEM vehicle data through our scalable Connected & Protected SaaS solution, all the data you need on one easy-to-use platform. We provide the information to make the most of your fleet’s data.
O aumento da concorrência por rotas e viagens significa que os gestores de frotas procuram os provedores de telemetria para achar uma maneira sustentável de desafiar as condições do mercado. Fazemos parcerias com sua empresa para fornecer informações inteligentes sobre rotas e monitorar viagens em tempo real, fornecendo informações para aumentar a eficiência e planejar horários de viagens de forma eficaz.
Os gestores da frota ganham uma compreensão inestimável sobre os dados dos veículos elétricos e híbridos através de nossa solução Conectada & Segura. Dados como energia consumida, energia reciclada, tempo de carga e autonomia. Nós fornecemos as informações para que você tenha o maior rendimento da sua frota.
El aumento de la competición por las rutas y los viajes significa que los administradores de flotas están buscando proveedores de telemetría para encontrar una forma sostenible de desafiar las condiciones del mercado. Nos asociamos con su empresa para proporcionar información inteligente de rutas y monitorear los viajes en tiempo real, proporcionando información para aumentar la eficiencia y planificar los horarios de viaje de manera efectiva.
Los gerentes de flotas obtienen una comprensión invaluable de los datos de vehículos eléctricos e híbridos a través de nuestra solución Conectada Y Segura. Datos como la energía consumida, la energía reciclada, el tiempo de carga y la autonomía. Te facilitamos la información para que tengas el mayor rendimiento de tu flota.
Increased competition for routes and jobs means that fleet managers look to telematics’ providers for a sustainable way to defy market conditions. We partner with you to provide intelligent insights into routes and monitor jobs in real-time, providing you with the information to increase efficiency by planning job schedules effectively.
Fleet leaders gain an invaluable understanding about electric vehicle, hybrid and OEM vehicle data through our scalable Connected & Protected SaaS solution, all the data you need on one easy-to-use platform. We provide the information to make the most of your fleet’s data.
Drivers have power over their driving style by accessing an engaging app that displays their scores in relation to their colleagues. In addition, fleet managers can help drivers improve their driving techniques with aggregated trip data.
Operational success is a direct correlation to solid driver performance. We accurately monitor driving behaviors for risky events like speeding, harsh braking, harsh acceleration and following distance. Drivers and fleet managers are alerted in real-time to events to improve safety and avoid hazardous incidents.
In Transport & Logistics, monitoring driver events for safety-related risks is paramount to operational longevity. Protecting your drivers is crucial in improving driver retention and protecting your brand’s reputation. Our dashboard cameras protect drivers by alerting them to fatigue, distraction and seatbelt use.
Drivers have power over their driving style by accessing an engaging app that displays their scores in relation to their colleagues. In addition, fleet managers can help drivers improve their driving techniques with aggregated trip data.
Operational success is a direct correlation to solid driver performance. We accurately monitor driving behaviours for risky events like speeding, harsh braking, harsh acceleration and following distance. Drivers and fleet managers are alerted in real-time to events to improve safety and avoid hazardous incidents.
In Transport & Logistics, monitoring driver events for safety-related risks is paramount to operational longevity. Protecting your drivers is crucial in improving driver retention and protecting your brand’s reputation. Our dashboard cameras protect drivers by alerting them to fatigue, distraction and seatbelt use.
Drivers have power over their driving style by accessing an engaging app that displays their scores in relation to their colleagues. In addition, fleet managers can help drivers improve their driving techniques with aggregated trip data.
Operational success is a direct correlation to solid driver performance. We accurately monitor driving behaviours for risky events like speeding, harsh braking, harsh acceleration and following distance. Drivers and fleet managers are alerted in real-time to events to improve safety and avoid hazardous incidents.
In Transport & Logistics, monitoring driver events for safety-related risks is paramount to operational longevity. Protecting your drivers is crucial in improving driver retention and protecting your brand’s reputation. Our dashboard cameras protect drivers by alerting them to fatigue, distraction and seatbelt use.
Drivers have power over their driving style by accessing an engaging app that displays their scores in relation to their colleagues. In addition, fleet managers can help drivers improve their driving techniques with aggregated trip data.
Operational success is a direct correlation to solid driver performance. We accurately monitor driving behaviours for risky events like speeding, harsh braking, harsh acceleration and following distance. Drivers and fleet managers are alerted in real-time to events to improve safety and avoid hazardous incidents.
In Transport & Logistics, monitoring driver events for safety-related risks is paramount to operational longevity. Protecting your drivers is crucial in improving driver retention and protecting your brand’s reputation. Our dashboard cameras protect drivers by alerting them to fatigue, distraction and seatbelt use.
Drivers have power over their driving style by accessing an engaging app that displays their scores in relation to their colleagues. In addition, fleet managers can help drivers improve their driving techniques with aggregated trip data.
Operational success is a direct correlation to solid driver performance. We accurately monitor driving behaviours for risky events like speeding, harsh braking, harsh acceleration and following distance. Drivers and fleet managers are alerted in real-time to events to improve safety and avoid hazardous incidents.
In Transport & Logistics, monitoring driver events for safety-related risks is paramount to operational longevity. Protecting your drivers is crucial in improving driver retention and protecting your brand’s reputation. Our dashboard cameras protect drivers by alerting them to fatigue, distraction and seatbelt use.
Os motoristas identificam seu estilo de condução acessando um aplicativo envolvente que exibe suas pontuações, em relação aos seus colegas. Os gestores de frota podem ajudar os motoristas a melhorar suas técnicas de condução com dados da viagem.
O sucesso operacional é uma correlação direta com o sólido desempenho do motorista. Monitoramos, com precisão, os comportamentos de condução como eventos de risco, excesso de velocidade, freada brusca, aceleração brusca e distância de seguimento. Motoristas e gestores de frotas são alertados, em tempo real, para eventos com o objetivo de melhorar a segurança, e evitar incidentes perigosos.
Em Transporte & Logística, monitorar eventos de motoristas para riscos relacionados à segurança, é primordial para a longevidade operacional. Proteger seus condutores é um fator-chave que pode melhorar a retenção de motoristas e proteger a reputação da sua empresa. Nossas câmeras dão segurança aos motoristas, alertando-os para a fadiga, distração e uso do cinto de segurança.
Los conductores identifican su estilo de conducción accediendo a una aplicación atractiva que muestra sus puntajes, en relación con sus colegas. Los administradores de flotas pueden ayudar a los conductores a mejorar sus técnicas de conducción con datos de viaje.
El éxito operativo es una correlación directa con el sólido rendimiento del conductor. Monitoreamos con precisión los comportamientos de conducción, como eventos de riesgo, exceso de velocidad, frenado repentino, aceleración repentina y distancia de seguimiento. Los conductores y los gestores de flotas son alertados en tiempo real de los eventos destinados a mejorar la seguridad y prevenir incidentes peligrosos.
En Transporte y Logística, monitorear los eventos del conductor para detectar riesgos relacionados con la seguridad es primordial para la longevidad operativa. Proteger a sus conductores es un factor clave que puede mejorar la retención de conductores y proteger la reputación de su negocio. Nuestras cámaras brindan seguridad a los conductores, alertándolos sobre la fatiga, la distracción y el uso del cinturón de seguridad.
Drivers have power over their driving style by accessing an engaging app that displays their scores in relation to their colleagues. In addition, fleet managers can help drivers improve their driving techniques with aggregated trip data.
Operational success is a direct correlation to solid driver performance. We accurately monitor driving behaviours for risky events like speeding, harsh braking, harsh acceleration and following distance. Drivers and fleet managers are alerted in real-time to events to improve safety and avoid hazardous incidents.
In Transport & Logistics, monitoring driver events for safety-related risks is paramount to operational longevity. Protecting your drivers is crucial in improving driver retention and protecting your brand’s reputation. Our dashboard cameras protect drivers by alerting them to fatigue, distraction and seatbelt use.
Get daily, weekly and monthly intelligence reports with an easy-to-use, award-winning SaaS platform that connects the MiX solution suite with your ecosystem. View data from your entire fleet to help you identify trends and anticipate any issues causing inefficiency, safety threats and more.
MiX Telematics’ compliance solution adheres to industry specifications regarding performance, design and technical requirements. In addition, we help you maintain your O license or industry-specific compliance standard by keeping track of your fleet maintenance, electronic logging of driving hours, all while undergoing constant testing and plugging into the DTCO.
Get daily, weekly and monthly intelligence reports with an easy-to-use, award-winning SaaS platform that connects the MiX solution suite with your ecosystem. View data from your entire fleet to help you identify trends and anticipate any issues causing inefficiency, safety threats and more.
MiX Telematics’ compliance solution adheres to industry specifications regarding performance, design and technical requirements. In addition, we help you maintain your O license or industry-specific compliance standard by keeping track of your fleet maintenance, electronic logging of driving hours, all while undergoing constant testing and plugging into the DTCO.
Get daily, weekly and monthly intelligence reports with an easy-to-use, award-winning SaaS platform that connects the MiX solution suite with your ecosystem. View data from your entire fleet to help you identify trends and anticipate any issues causing inefficiency, safety threats and more.
MiX Telematics’ compliance solution adheres to industry specifications regarding performance, design and technical requirements. In addition, we help you maintain your O license or industry-specific compliance standard by keeping track of your fleet maintenance, electronic logging of driving hours, all while undergoing constant testing and plugging into the DTCO.
Get daily, weekly and monthly intelligence reports with an easy-to-use, award-winning SaaS platform that connects the MiX solution suite with your ecosystem. View data from your entire fleet to help you identify trends and anticipate any issues causing inefficiency, safety threats and more.
MiX Telematics’ compliance solution adheres to industry specifications regarding performance, design and technical requirements. In addition, we help you maintain your O license or industry-specific compliance standard by keeping track of your fleet maintenance, electronic logging of driving hours, all while undergoing constant testing and plugging into the DTCO.
Get daily, weekly and monthly intelligence reports with an easy-to-use, award-winning SaaS platform that connects the MiX solution suite with your ecosystem. View data from your entire fleet to help you identify trends and anticipate any issues causing inefficiency, safety threats and more.
MiX Telematics’ compliance solution adheres to industry specifications regarding performance, design and technical requirements. In addition, we help you maintain your O license or industry-specific compliance standard by keeping track of your fleet maintenance, electronic logging of driving hours, all while undergoing constant testing and plugging into the DTCO.
Obtenha relatórios de inteligência diários, semanais e mensais com uma plataforma premiada fácil de usar e que conecta o conjunto de soluções MiX com seu ecossistema. Veja dados de todas as operações da sua frota para ajudar a identificar tendências e antecipar quaisquer problemas que causem ineficiência, ameaças à segurança e muito mais.
A solução de conformidade da MiX Telematics adere às especificações do setor em termos de desempenho, design e requisitos técnicos. Nós ajudamos você a manter sua licença ou padrão de conformidade específico do setor, mantendo o controle da manutenção da frota, registro eletrônico de jornada de trabalho.
Obtenga informes de inteligencia diarios, semanales y mensuales con una plataforma galardonada y fácil de usar que conecta el conjunto de soluciones MiX con su ecosistema. Vea los datos de todas las operaciones de su flota para ayudar a identificar tendencias y anticipar cualquier problema que cause ineficiencia, amenazas de seguridad y más.
La solución de conformidad de MiX Telematics cumple con las especificaciones de la industria en términos de rendimiento, diseño y requisitos técnicos. Le ayudamos a mantener su licencia o el estándar de cumplimiento específico de la industria al realizar un seguimiento del mantenimiento de la flota, el registro electrónico de las horas de servicio.
Get daily, weekly and monthly intelligence reports with an easy-to-use, award-winning SaaS platform that connects the MiX solution suite with your ecosystem. View data from your entire fleet to help you identify trends and anticipate any issues causing inefficiency, safety threats and more.
MiX Telematics’ compliance solution adheres to industry specifications regarding performance, design and technical requirements. In addition, we help you maintain your O license or industry-specific compliance standard by keeping track of your fleet maintenance, electronic logging of driving hours, all while undergoing constant testing and plugging into the DTCO.
In Transport and Logistics, certain driving behaviors, like speeding or harsh braking, directly contribute to increased vehicle wear and tear.
In Transport and Logistics, certain driving behaviors, like speeding or harsh braking, directly contribute to increased vehicle wear and tear. Damaged vehicles lead to unexpected downtime. In turn, that downtime interrupts workflow, increasing pressure on other employees to complete jobs and potentially leading to dissatisfied customers.
Using a KPI-focused dashboard, you can set goals and objectives specific to your team. These dashboards utilize the data captured from your vehicles and drivers daily.
Using a KPI-focused dashboard, you can set goals and objectives specific to your team. These dashboards utilize the data captured from your vehicles and drivers daily to see how far you are progressing towards your goals and give you practical guidance on what you can do more efficiently to meet objectives.
Fleet management technology for Transport & Logistics helps you easily meet environmental goals by giving you the tools to reduce fuel-guzzling driving habits.
Fleet management technology or Transport & Logistics helps you easily meet environmental goals by giving you the tools to reduce fuel-guzzling driving habits (like excessive idling and speeding), cut down on miles driven, choose sustainable vehicles, stay on top of maintenance and improve vehicle efficiency.
Communicating with drivers in real-time is crucial if you want to improve fleet efficiency and safety.
Communicating with drivers in real-time is crucial if you want to improve fleet efficiency and safety. Therefore, we offer driver feedback tools in the form of in-cab visual and audio alerts that notify drivers when they engage in driving behaviors that are not favorable. In addition, we offer a journey management solution that provides notifications to drivers about route deviations, journey progress, trip status, potential road hazards and much more.
With the help of our MiX Insights reporting suite, you gain access to crucial data on the day-to-day operations and activities of your fleet.
With the help of our MiX Insights reporting suite, you gain access to crucial data on the day-to-day operations and activities of your fleet. Everything from fuel and engine hours to costs and driving events are organized in easy-to-scan reports to assist you in recognizing problem areas and seeing improvements in real-time.
Keep a record of all trips - from start to finish. See exactly how much time your employees spend at each destination.
Keep a record of all trips - from start to finish. See exactly how much time your employees spend at each destination. View information organized in a way where you can see whether each driver’s time is being utilized appropriately and how trips can be improved to get more done in less time.
In Transport and Logistics, certain driving behaviours, like speeding or harsh braking, directly contribute to increased vehicle wear and tear.
In Transport and Logistics, certain driving behaviours, like speeding or harsh braking, directly contribute to increased vehicle wear and tear. Damaged vehicles lead to unexpected downtime. In turn, that downtime interrupts workflow, increasing pressure on other employees to complete jobs and potentially leading to dissatisfied customers.
Using a KPI-focused dashboard, you can set goals and objectives specific to your team. These dashboards utilise the data captured from your vehicles and drivers daily.
Using a KPI-focused dashboard, you can set goals and objectives specific to your team. These dashboards utilise the data captured from your vehicles and drivers daily to see how far you are progressing towards your goals and give you practical guidance on what you can do more efficiently to meet objectives.
Fleet management technology for Transport & Logistics helps you easily meet environmental goals by giving you the tools to reduce fuel-guzzling driving habits.
Fleet management technology for Transport & Logistics helps you easily meet environmental goals by giving you the tools to reduce fuel-guzzling driving habits (like excessive idling and speeding), cut down on miles driven, choose sustainable vehicles, stay on top of maintenance and improve vehicle efficiency.
Communicating with drivers in real-time is crucial if you want to improve fleet efficiency and safety. Therefore, we offer driver feedback tools in the form of in-cab visual and audio alerts.
Communicating with drivers in real-time is crucial if you want to improve fleet efficiency and safety. Therefore, we offer driver feedback tools in the form of in-cab visual and audio alerts that notify drivers when they engage in driving behaviours that are not favourable. In addition, we offer a journey management solution that provides notifications to drivers about route deviations, journey progress, trip status, potential road hazards and much more.
With the help of our MiX Insights reporting suite, you gain access to crucial data on the day-to-day operations and activities of your fleet.
With the help of our MiX Insights reporting suite, you gain access to crucial data on the day-to-day operations and activities of your fleet. Everything from fuel and engine hours to costs and driving events are organised in easy-to-scan reports to assist you in recognising problem areas and seeing improvements in real-time.
Keep a record of all trips - from start to finish. See exactly how much time your employees spend at each destination.
Keep a record of all trips - from start to finish. See exactly how much time your employees spend at each destination. View information organised in a way where you can see whether each driver’s time is being utilised appropriately and how trips can be improved to get more done in less time.
In Transport and Logistics, certain driving behaviours, like speeding or harsh braking, directly contribute to increased vehicle wear and tear.
In Transport and Logistics, certain driving behaviours, like speeding or harsh braking, directly contribute to increased vehicle wear and tear. Damaged vehicles lead to unexpected downtime. In turn, that downtime interrupts workflow, increasing pressure on other employees to complete jobs and potentially leading to dissatisfied customers.
Using a KPI-focused dashboard, you can set goals and objectives specific to your team. These dashboards utilise the data captured from your vehicles and drivers daily.
Using a KPI-focused dashboard, you can set goals and objectives specific to your team. These dashboards utilise the data captured from your vehicles and drivers daily to see how far you are progressing towards your goals and give you practical guidance on what you can do more efficiently to meet objectives.
Fleet management technology for Transport & Logistics helps you easily meet environmental goals by giving you the tools to reduce fuel-guzzling driving habits.
Fleet management technology for Transport & Logistics helps you easily meet environmental goals by giving you the tools to reduce fuel-guzzling driving habits (like excessive idling and speeding), cut down on miles driven, choose sustainable vehicles, stay on top of maintenance and improve vehicle efficiency.
Communicating with drivers in real-time is crucial if you want to improve fleet efficiency and safety. Therefore, we offer driver feedback tools in the form of in-cab visual and audio alerts.
Communicating with drivers in real-time is crucial if you want to improve fleet efficiency and safety. Therefore, we offer driver feedback tools in the form of in-cab visual and audio alerts that notify drivers when they engage in driving behaviours that are not favourable. In addition, we offer a journey management solution that provides notifications to drivers about route deviations, journey progress, trip status, potential road hazards and much more.
With the help of our MiX Insights reporting suite, you gain access to crucial data on the day-to-day operations and activities of your fleet.
With the help of our MiX Insights reporting suite, you gain access to crucial data on the day-to-day operations and activities of your fleet. Everything from fuel and engine hours to costs and driving events are organised in easy-to-scan reports to assist you in recognising problem areas and seeing improvements in real-time.
Keep a record of all trips - from start to finish. See exactly how much time your employees spend at each destination.
Keep a record of all trips - from start to finish. See exactly how much time your employees spend at each destination. View information organised in a way where you can see whether each driver’s time is being utilised appropriately and how trips can be improved to get more done in less time.
In Transport and Logistics, certain driving behaviours, like speeding or harsh braking, directly contribute to increased vehicle wear and tear.
In Transport and Logistics, certain driving behaviours, like speeding or harsh braking, directly contribute to increased vehicle wear and tear. Damaged vehicles lead to unexpected downtime. In turn, that downtime interrupts workflow, increasing pressure on other employees to complete jobs and potentially leading to dissatisfied customers.
Using a KPI-focused dashboard, you can set goals and objectives specific to your team. These dashboards utilise the data captured from your vehicles and drivers daily.
Using a KPI-focused dashboard, you can set goals and objectives specific to your team. These dashboards utilise the data captured from your vehicles and drivers daily to see how far you are progressing towards your goals and give you practical guidance on what you can do more efficiently to meet objectives.
Fleet management technology for Transport & Logistics helps you easily meet environmental goals by giving you the tools to reduce fuel-guzzling driving habits.
Fleet management technology for Transport & Logistics helps you easily meet environmental goals by giving you the tools to reduce fuel-guzzling driving habits (like excessive idling and speeding), cut down on miles driven, choose sustainable vehicles, stay on top of maintenance and improve vehicle efficiency.
Communicating with drivers in real-time is crucial if you want to improve fleet efficiency and safety. Therefore, we offer driver feedback tools in the form of in-cab visual and audio alerts.
Communicating with drivers in real-time is crucial if you want to improve fleet efficiency and safety. Therefore, we offer driver feedback tools in the form of in-cab visual and audio alerts that notify drivers when they engage in driving behaviours that are not favourable. In addition, we offer a journey management solution that provides notifications to drivers about route deviations, journey progress, trip status, potential road hazards and much more.
With the help of our MiX Insights reporting suite, you gain access to crucial data on the day-to-day operations and activities of your fleet.
With the help of our MiX Insights reporting suite, you gain access to crucial data on the day-to-day operations and activities of your fleet. Everything from fuel and engine hours to costs and driving events are organised in easy-to-scan reports to assist you in recognising problem areas and seeing improvements in real-time.
Keep a record of all trips - from start to finish. See exactly how much time your employees spend at each destination.
Keep a record of all trips - from start to finish. See exactly how much time your employees spend at each destination. View information organised in a way where you can see whether each driver’s time is being utilised appropriately and how trips can be improved to get more done in less time.
In Transport and Logistics, certain driving behaviours, like speeding or harsh braking, directly contribute to increased vehicle wear and tear.
In Transport and Logistics, certain driving behaviours, like speeding or harsh braking, directly contribute to increased vehicle wear and tear. Damaged vehicles lead to unexpected downtime. In turn, that downtime interrupts workflow, increasing pressure on other employees to complete jobs and potentially leading to dissatisfied customers.
Using a KPI-focused dashboard, you can set goals and objectives specific to your team. These dashboards utilise the data captured from your vehicles and drivers daily.
Using a KPI-focused dashboard, you can set goals and objectives specific to your team. These dashboards utilise the data captured from your vehicles and drivers daily to see how far you are progressing towards your goals and give you practical guidance on what you can do more efficiently to meet objectives.
Fleet management technology for Transport & Logistics helps you easily meet environmental goals by giving you the tools to reduce fuel-guzzling driving habits.
Fleet management technology for Transport & Logistics helps you easily meet environmental goals by giving you the tools to reduce fuel-guzzling driving habits (like excessive idling and speeding), cut down on miles driven, choose sustainable vehicles, stay on top of maintenance and improve vehicle efficiency.
Communicating with drivers in real-time is crucial if you want to improve fleet efficiency and safety. Therefore, we offer driver feedback tools in the form of in-cab visual and audio alerts.
Communicating with drivers in real-time is crucial if you want to improve fleet efficiency and safety. Therefore, we offer driver feedback tools in the form of in-cab visual and audio alerts that notify drivers when they engage in driving behaviours that are not favourable. In addition, we offer a journey management solution that provides notifications to drivers about route deviations, journey progress, trip status, potential road hazards and much more.
With the help of our MiX Insights reporting suite, you gain access to crucial data on the day-to-day operations and activities of your fleet.
With the help of our MiX Insights reporting suite, you gain access to crucial data on the day-to-day operations and activities of your fleet. Everything from fuel and engine hours to costs and driving events are organised in easy-to-scan reports to assist you in recognising problem areas and seeing improvements in real-time.
Keep a record of all trips - from start to finish. See exactly how much time your employees spend at each destination.
Keep a record of all trips - from start to finish. See exactly how much time your employees spend at each destination. View information organised in a way where you can see whether each driver’s time is being utilised appropriately and how trips can be improved to get more done in less time.
Em Transporte e Logística, certos comportamentos de condução, como excesso de velocidade, freada brusca, ou ignorar os alertas de alta temperatura e baixa pressão do óleo.
Em Transporte e Logística, certos comportamentos de condução, como excesso de velocidade, freada brusca, ou ignorar os alertas de alta temperatura e baixa pressão do óleo, contribuem diretamente para o aumento do desgaste do veículo. Veículos danificados levam a um tempo de inatividade inesperado. Por sua vez, esse tempo de inatividade interrompe o fluxo de trabalho, aumentando a pressão sobre outros funcionários para finalizar viagens e potencialmente levando a clientes insatisfeitos.
Usando o dashboards focados em seus indicadores (KPIs), você pode definir metas e objetivos específicos para sua equipe.
Usando o dashboards focados em seus indicadores (KPIs), você pode definir metas e objetivos específicos para sua equipe. Esses dashboards utilizam os dados capturados de seus veículos e motoristas, diariamente, para ver o quanto você está progredindo em direção aos seus objetivos e dar orientação prática sobre o que você pode fazer de forma mais eficiente para atingir os objetivos da frota.
A tecnologia de gestão de frotas ajuda você a cumprir facilmente as metas ambientais, proporcionando as ferramentas para reduzir os hábitos de condução que consomem combustível.
A tecnologia de gestão de frotas ajuda você a cumprir facilmente as metas ambientais, proporcionando as ferramentas para reduzir os hábitos de condução que consomem combustível (como o excesso de marcha lenta e o excesso de velocidade), reduzir os quilômetros dirigidos, escolher veículos sustentáveis, ficar por dentro da manutenção e melhorar a eficiência do veículo.
Comunicar-se com os motoristas em tempo real é crucial se você quiser melhorar a eficiência e a segurança da frota.
Comunicar-se com os motoristas em tempo real é crucial se você quiser melhorar a eficiência e a segurança da frota. Oferecemos ferramentas de feedback do motorista, na forma de alertas visuais e de áudio, na cabine, que notificam os motoristas quando eles executam comportamentos de condução que não são favoráveis. Além disso, oferecemos uma solução de gestão de rotas que fornece notificações aos motoristas sobre desvios de rota, progresso da viagem, status da viagem, potenciais riscos rodoviários e muito mais.
Com a ajuda do nosso pacote de relatórios MiX Insight, você ganha acesso a dados cruciais sobre as operações diárias e as atividades de sua frota.
Com a ajuda do nosso pacote de relatórios MiX Insight, você ganha acesso a dados cruciais sobre as operações diárias e as atividades de sua frota. Tudo, desde o combustível e as horas do motor, até os custos e eventos de condução, são organizados em relatórios fáceis de digitalizar para te ajudar a reconhecer áreas problemáticas e ver melhorias em tempo real.
Mantenha um registro de todas as viagens, do começo ao fim. Veja exatamente quanto tempo seus funcionários passam em cada destino.
Mantenha um registro de todas as viagens, do começo ao fim. Veja exatamente quanto tempo seus funcionários passam em cada destino. Veja as informações organizadas, de forma onde você pode monitorar se o tempo de cada motorista está sendo utilizado adequadamente e como as viagens podem ser melhoradas para obter mais qualidade, em menos tempo.
En Transporte y Logística, ciertos comportamientos de conducción, como el exceso de velocidad, el frenado repentino o ignorar las alertas de alta temperatura y baja presión de aceite.
En Transporte y Logística, ciertos comportamientos de conducción, como el exceso de velocidad, el frenado repentino o ignorar las alertas de alta temperatura y baja presión de aceite, contribuyen directamente al aumento del desgaste del vehículo. Los vehículos dañados conducen a un tiempo de inactividad inesperado. A su vez, este tiempo de inactividad interrumpe el flujo de trabajo, aumentando la presión sobre otros empleados para finalizar los viajes y potencialmente llevando a clientes insatisfechos.
Utilizando dashboards centrados en sus indicadores (KPI), puede establecer metas y objetivos específicos para su equipo. Estos paneles utilizan los datos capturados de sus vehículos y conductores a diario para.
Utilizando dashboards centrados en sus indicadores (KPI), puede establecer metas y objetivos específicos para su equipo. Estos paneles utilizan los datos capturados de sus vehículos y conductores a diario para ver cuánto progreso está progresando hacia sus objetivos y brindan orientación práctica sobre lo que puede hacer de manera más eficiente para lograr los objetivos de la flota.
La tecnología de gestión de flotas le ayuda a cumplir fácilmente los objetivos medioambientales al proporcionar las herramientas para reducir los hábitos.
La tecnología de gestión de flotas le ayuda a cumplir fácilmente los objetivos medioambientales al proporcionar las herramientas para reducir los hábitos de conducción que consumen combustible (como el ralentí y el exceso de velocidad), reducir las millas de conducción, elegir vehículos sostenibles, mantenerse al tanto del mantenimiento y mejorar la eficiencia del vehículo.
Comunicarse con los conductores en tiempo real es crucial si desea mejorar la eficiencia y la seguridad de la flota. Ofrecemos herramientas de retroalimentación del conductor, en forma de alertas visuales y de audio.
Comunicarse con los conductores en tiempo real es crucial si desea mejorar la eficiencia y la seguridad de la flota. Ofrecemos herramientas de retroalimentación del conductor, en forma de alertas visuales y de audio, en la cabina, que notifican a los conductores cuando realizan comportamientos de conducción que no son favorables. Además, ofrecemos una solución de gestión de rutas que proporciona notificaciones a los conductores sobre desvíos de rutas, progreso del viaje, estado del viaje, posibles riesgos viales y más.
Con la ayuda de nuestro paquete de informes MiX Insight, obtiene acceso a datos cruciales sobre las operaciones y actividades diarias de su flota.
Con la ayuda de nuestro paquete de informes MiX Insight, obtiene acceso a datos cruciales sobre las operaciones y actividades diarias de su flota. Todo, desde las horas de combustible y motor hasta los costos de conducción y los eventos, se organizan en informes fáciles de escanear para ayudarlo a reconocer las áreas problemáticas y ver mejoras en tiempo real.
Mantenga un registro de todos los viajes, de principio a fin. Vea exactamente cuánto tiempo pasan sus empleados en cada destino.
Mantenga un registro de todos los viajes, de principio a fin. Vea exactamente cuánto tiempo pasan sus empleados en cada destino. Vea la información organizada para que pueda monitorear si el tiempo de cada conductor se está utilizando correctamente y cómo se pueden mejorar los viajes para obtener más calidad en menos tiempo.
In Transport and Logistics, certain driving behaviours, like speeding or harsh braking, directly contribute to increased vehicle wear and tear.
In Transport and Logistics, certain driving behaviours, like speeding or harsh braking, directly contribute to increased vehicle wear and tear. Damaged vehicles lead to unexpected downtime. In turn, that downtime interrupts workflow, increasing pressure on other employees to complete jobs and potentially leading to dissatisfied customers.
Using a KPI-focused dashboard, you can set goals and objectives specific to your team. These dashboards utilise the data captured from your vehicles and drivers daily.
Using a KPI-focused dashboard, you can set goals and objectives specific to your team. These dashboards utilise the data captured from your vehicles and drivers daily to see how far you are progressing towards your goals and give you practical guidance on what you can do more efficiently to meet objectives.
Fleet management technology for Transport & Logistics helps you easily meet environmental goals by giving you the tools to reduce fuel-guzzling driving habits.
Fleet management technology for Transport & Logistics helps you easily meet environmental goals by giving you the tools to reduce fuel-guzzling driving habits (like excessive idling and speeding), cut down on miles driven, choose sustainable vehicles, stay on top of maintenance and improve vehicle efficiency.
Communicating with drivers in real-time is crucial if you want to improve fleet efficiency and safety. Therefore, we offer driver feedback tools in the form of in-cab visual and audio alerts.
Communicating with drivers in real-time is crucial if you want to improve fleet efficiency and safety. Therefore, we offer driver feedback tools in the form of in-cab visual and audio alerts that notify drivers when they engage in driving behaviours that are not favourable. In addition, we offer a journey management solution that provides notifications to drivers about route deviations, journey progress, trip status, potential road hazards and much more.
With the help of our MiX Insights reporting suite, you gain access to crucial data on the day-to-day operations and activities of your fleet.
With the help of our MiX Insights reporting suite, you gain access to crucial data on the day-to-day operations and activities of your fleet. Everything from fuel and engine hours to costs and driving events are organised in easy-to-scan reports to assist you in recognising problem areas and seeing improvements in real-time.
Keep a record of all trips - from start to finish. See exactly how much time your employees spend at each destination.
Keep a record of all trips - from start to finish. See exactly how much time your employees spend at each destination. View information organised in a way where you can see whether each driver’s time is being utilised appropriately and how trips can be improved to get more done in less time.
Gavin Lancaster is the Operations Director for MiX Telematics in Europe and North Africa
“MiX Telematics has a proven track record in helping HGV operators run safe, efficient and cost-effective fleets. From in-cab driver training systems, legal driving hours compliance management, spotting vehicle faults early and much more, we combine a variety of vital factors and data points to assist our customers 24/7, 365 days of the year on their journey to success."
Gavin Lancaster is the Operations Director for MiX Telematics in Europe and North Africa
“MiX Telematics has a proven track record in helping HGV operators run safe, efficient and cost-effective fleets. From in-cab driver training systems, legal driving hours compliance management, spotting vehicle faults early and much more, we combine a variety of vital factors and data points to assist our customers 24/7, 365 days of the year on their journey to success."
Gavin Lancaster is the Operations Director for MiX Telematics in Europe and North Africa
“MiX Telematics has a proven track record in helping HGV operators run safe, efficient and cost-effective fleets. From in-cab driver training systems, legal driving hours compliance management, spotting vehicle faults early and much more, we combine a variety of vital factors and data points to assist our customers 24/7, 365 days of the year on their journey to success."
Gavin Lancaster is the Operations Director for MiX Telematics in Europe and North Africa
“MiX Telematics has a proven track record in helping HGV operators run safe, efficient and cost-effective fleets. From in-cab driver training systems, legal driving hours compliance management, spotting vehicle faults early and much more, we combine a variety of vital factors and data points to assist our customers 24/7, 365 days of the year on their journey to success."
Gavin Lancaster is the Operations Director for MiX Telematics in Europe and North Africa
“MiX Telematics has a proven track record in helping HGV operators run safe, efficient and cost-effective fleets. From in-cab driver training systems, legal driving hours compliance management, spotting vehicle faults early and much more, we combine a variety of vital factors and data points to assist our customers 24/7, 365 days of the year on their journey to success."
Gavin Lancaster is the Operations Director for MiX Telematics in Europe and North Africa
“MiX Telematics has a proven track record in helping HGV operators run safe, efficient and cost-effective fleets. From in-cab driver training systems, legal driving hours compliance management, spotting vehicle faults early and much more, we combine a variety of vital factors and data points to assist our customers 24/7, 365 days of the year on their journey to success."
Gavin Lancaster is the Operations Director for MiX Telematics in Europe and North Africa
“MiX Telematics has a proven track record in helping HGV operators run safe, efficient and cost-effective fleets. From in-cab driver training systems, legal driving hours compliance management, spotting vehicle faults early and much more, we combine a variety of vital factors and data points to assist our customers 24/7, 365 days of the year on their journey to success."
Gavin Lancaster is the Operations Director for MiX Telematics in Europe and North Africa
“MiX Telematics has a proven track record in helping HGV operators run safe, efficient and cost-effective fleets. From in-cab driver training systems, legal driving hours compliance management, spotting vehicle faults early and much more, we combine a variety of vital factors and data points to assist our customers 24/7, 365 days of the year on their journey to success."
Gavin Lancaster is the Operations Director for MiX Telematics in Europe and North Africa
“MiX Telematics has a proven track record in helping HGV operators run safe, efficient and cost-effective fleets. From in-cab driver training systems, legal driving hours compliance management, spotting vehicle faults early and much more, we combine a variety of vital factors and data points to assist our customers 24/7, 365 days of the year on their journey to success."
Gavin Lancaster is the Operations Director for MiX Telematics in Europe and North Africa
“MiX Telematics has a proven track record in helping HGV operators run safe, efficient and cost-effective fleets. From in-cab driver training systems, legal driving hours compliance management, spotting vehicle faults early and much more, we combine a variety of vital factors and data points to assist our customers 24/7, 365 days of the year on their journey to success."
Gavin Lancaster é Diretor de Operações da MiX Telematics na Europa e América do Norte
“A MiX Telematics tem um histórico comprovado em ajudar as transportadoras a criarem frotas seguras, eficientes e econômicas. A partir de sistemas de assistência aos motoristas dentro da cabine, gerenciamento da jornada de trabalho, identificação de falhas dos veículos cedo e muito mais, combinamos uma variedade de fatores e dados vitais para ajudar nossos clientes 24/7, 365 dias do ano, em sua jornada para o sucesso."
Gavin Lancaster é Diretor de Operações da MiX Telematics na Europa e América do Norte
“A MiX Telematics tem um histórico comprovado em ajudar as transportadoras a criarem frotas seguras, eficientes e econômicas. A partir de sistemas de assistência aos motoristas dentro da cabine, gerenciamento da jornada de trabalho, identificação de falhas dos veículos cedo e muito mais, combinamos uma variedade de fatores e dados vitais para ajudar nossos clientes 24/7, 365 dias do ano, em sua jornada para o sucesso."
Gavin Lancaster es Director de Operaciones de MiX Telematics en Europa y América del Norte
“MiX Telematics tiene un historial comprobado en ayudar a los transportistas a crear flotas seguras, eficientes y rentables. Desde los sistemas de asistencia al conductor en la cabina, la gestión de la jornada laboral, la identificación temprana de fallas del vehículo y más, combinamos una variedad de factores y datos vitales para ayudar a nuestros clientes las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana, los 365 días del año en su viaje hacia el éxito."
Gavin Lancaster es Director de Operaciones de MiX Telematics en Europa y América del Norte
“MiX Telematics tiene un historial comprobado en ayudar a los transportistas a crear flotas seguras, eficientes y rentables. Desde los sistemas de asistencia al conductor en la cabina, la gestión de la jornada laboral, la identificación temprana de fallas del vehículo y más, combinamos una variedad de factores y datos vitales para ayudar a nuestros clientes las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana, los 365 días del año en su viaje hacia el éxito."
Gavin Lancaster is the Operations Director for MiX Telematics in Europe and North Africa
“MiX Telematics has a proven track record in helping HGV operators run safe, efficient and cost-effective fleets. From in-cab driver training systems, legal driving hours compliance management, spotting vehicle faults early and much more, we combine a variety of vital factors and data points to assist our customers 24/7, 365 days of the year on their journey to success."
Gavin Lancaster is the Operations Director for MiX Telematics in Europe and North Africa
“MiX Telematics has a proven track record in helping HGV operators run safe, efficient and cost-effective fleets. From in-cab driver training systems, legal driving hours compliance management, spotting vehicle faults early and much more, we combine a variety of vital factors and data points to assist our customers 24/7, 365 days of the year on their journey to success."
MiX Telematics are subject matter experts that have been in the business for decades. For example, we work closely with those in the Transport and logistics industry to ensure that workers always come back safely and give drivers and fleet managers the solutions they need to comply with regulations. Some of the consistent results we see with our customers include:
MiX Telematics are subject matter experts that have been in the business for decades. For example, we work closely with those in the Transport and logistics industry to ensure that workers always come back safely and give drivers and fleet managers the solutions they need to comply with regulations. Some of the consistent results we see with our customers include:
MiX Telematics are subject matter experts that have been in the business for decades. For example, we work closely with those in the Transport and logistics industry to ensure that workers always come back safely and give drivers and fleet managers the solutions they need to comply with regulations. Some of the consistent results we see with our customers include:
MiX Telematics are subject matter experts that have been in the business for decades. For example, we work closely with those in the Transport and logistics industry to ensure that workers always come back safely and give drivers and fleet managers the solutions they need to comply with regulations. Some of the consistent results we see with our customers include:
MiX Telematics are subject matter experts that have been in the business for decades. For example, we work closely with those in the Transport and logistics industry to ensure that workers always come back safely and give drivers and fleet managers the solutions they need to comply with regulations. Some of the consistent results we see with our customers include:
A MiX Telematics é especialista no assunto que está no negócio há décadas. Por exemplo, trabalhamos em estreita colaboração com aqueles do setor de Transporte e Logística para garantir que os trabalhadores sempre voltem com segurança e fornecer aos motoristas e gerentes de frota as soluções de que precisam para cumprir os regulamentos. Alguns dos resultados consistentes que vemos com nossos clientes incluem:
MiX Telematics son expertos en la materia que han estado en el negocio durante décadas. Por ejemplo, trabajamos en estrecha colaboración con los del sector del transporte y la logística para garantizar que los trabajadores siempre regresen seguros y brindar a los conductores y administradores de flotas las soluciones que necesitan para cumplir con las regulaciones. Algunos de los resultados consistentes que vemos con nuestros clientes incluyen:
MiX Telematics are subject matter experts that have been in the business for decades. For example, we work closely with those in the Transport and logistics industry to ensure that workers always come back safely and give drivers and fleet managers the solutions they need to comply with regulations. Some of the consistent results we see with our customers include:
Transport & Logistics
Transport & Logistics
Transport & Logistics
Transport & Logistics
Transport & Logistics
Transport & Logistics
Transport & Logistics
Transport & Logistics
Transport & Logistics
Transport & Logistics
Transporte & Logística
Transporte & Logística
Transporte y Logística
Transporte y Logística
Transport & Logistics
Transport & Logistics
7 ways to create a sustainable fleet
7 ways to create a sustainable fleet
7 ways to create a sustainable fleet
7 ways to create a sustainable fleet
7 ways to create a sustainable fleet
7 maneras de crear una flota sostenible
7 maneiras de criar uma frota sustentável
7 ways to create a sustainable fleet
Simplify the fleet management and tracking process with a plug-and-play device delivered straight to you that doesn't require a technician to install and can be activated using a QR code. Track fleet activities and get daily notifications about fleet performance to manage trips, lower fuel costs, monitor driver behavior and more.
MyMiX Tracking is an app that utilizes cell phone technology to help you accurately track vehicles in real-time while also monitoring all driver behaviors that may be unsafe or inefficient. Send notifications to drivers on important events. No hardware installation is required, and thus no vehicle downtime! Just download and go.
From trailers and forklifts, to skid steers and vehicles. Locate your most valued assets and equipment using either wired or wireless trackers. See when an asset is on the move, set geographic boundaries to avoid misuse and theft, and monitor operating hours and fuel usage.
Turn on the power of AI- and ADAS-powered dash cams within your fleet. Get intelligent insight into risky driving behaviors, like fatigue, distraction, speeding, seatbelt usage, and more to prevent accidents and reduce fleet risk. This in-cab and road-facing camera solution also includes a driver coach device with which you can communicate with drivers in real-time to help them improve their driving style.
Simplify the fleet management and tracking process with a plug-and-play device delivered straight to you that doesn’t require a technician to install and can be activated using a QR code. Track fleet activities and get daily notifications about fleet performance to manage trips, lower fuel costs, monitor driver behaviour and more.
MyMiX Tracking is an app that utilises cell phone technology to help you accurately track vehicles in real-time while also monitoring all driver behaviours that may be unsafe or inefficient. Send notifications to drivers on important events. No hardware installation is required, and thus no vehicle downtime! Just download and go.
From trailers and forklifts, to skid steers and vehicles. Locate your most valued assets and equipment using either wired or wireless trackers. See when an asset is on the move, set geographic boundaries to avoid misuse and theft, and monitor operating hours and fuel usage.
Turn on the power of AI- and ADAS-powered dash cams within your fleet. Get intelligent insight into risky driving behaviours, like fatigue, distraction, speeding, seatbelt usage, and more to prevent accidents and reduce fleet risk. This in-cab and road-facing camera solution also includes a driver coach device with which you can communicate with drivers in real-time to help them improve their driving style.
Simplify the fleet management and tracking process with a plug-and-play device delivered straight to you that doesn’t require a technician to install and can be activated using a QR code. Track fleet activities and get daily notifications about fleet performance to manage trips, lower fuel costs, monitor driver behaviour and more.
MyMiX Tracking is an app that utilises cell phone technology to help you accurately track vehicles in real-time while also monitoring all driver behaviours that may be unsafe or inefficient. Send notifications to drivers on important events. No hardware installation is required, and thus no vehicle downtime! Just download and go.
From trailers and forklifts, to skid steers and vehicles. Locate your most valued assets and equipment using either wired or wireless trackers. See when an asset is on the move, set geographic boundaries to avoid misuse and theft, and monitor operating hours and fuel usage.
Turn on the power of AI- and ADAS-powered dash cams within your fleet. Get intelligent insight into risky driving behaviours, like fatigue, distraction, speeding, seatbelt usage, and more to prevent accidents and reduce fleet risk. This in-cab and road-facing camera solution also includes a driver coach device with which you can communicate with drivers in real-time to help them improve their driving style.
Simplify the fleet management and tracking process with a plug-and-play device delivered straight to you that doesn’t require a technician to install and can be activated using a QR code. Track fleet activities and get daily notifications about fleet performance to manage trips, lower fuel costs, monitor driver behaviour and more.
MyMiX Tracking is an app that utilises cell phone technology to help you accurately track vehicles in real-time while also monitoring all driver behaviours that may be unsafe or inefficient. Send notifications to drivers on important events. No hardware installation is required, and thus no vehicle downtime! Just download and go.
From trailers and forklifts, to skid steers and vehicles. Locate your most valued assets and equipment using either wired or wireless trackers. See when an asset is on the move, set geographic boundaries to avoid misuse and theft, and monitor operating hours and fuel usage.
Turn on the power of AI- and ADAS-powered dash cams within your fleet. Get intelligent insight into risky driving behaviours, like fatigue, distraction, speeding, seatbelt usage, and more to prevent accidents and reduce fleet risk. This in-cab and road-facing camera solution also includes a driver coach device with which you can communicate with drivers in real-time to help them improve their driving style.
Simplify the fleet management and tracking process with a plug-and-play device delivered straight to you that doesn’t require a technician to install and can be activated using a QR code. Track fleet activities and get daily notifications about fleet performance to manage trips, lower fuel costs, monitor driver behaviour and more.
MyMiX Tracking is an app that utilises cell phone technology to help you accurately track vehicles in real-time while also monitoring all driver behaviours that may be unsafe or inefficient. Send notifications to drivers on important events. No hardware installation is required, and thus no vehicle downtime! Just download and go.
From trailers and forklifts, to skid steers and vehicles. Locate your most valued assets and equipment using either wired or wireless trackers. See when an asset is on the move, set geographic boundaries to avoid misuse and theft, and monitor operating hours and fuel usage.
Turn on the power of AI- and ADAS-powered dash cams within your fleet. Get intelligent insight into risky driving behaviours, like fatigue, distraction, speeding, seatbelt usage, and more to prevent accidents and reduce fleet risk. This in-cab and road-facing camera solution also includes a driver coach device with which you can communicate with drivers in real-time to help them improve their driving style.
MyMiX Tracking é um aplicativo que utiliza a tecnologia do smartphone para te ajudar a rastrear, com precisão, os veículos em tempo real, ao mesmo tempo em que monitora todos os comportamentos do motorista que podem ser de risco ou ineficientes. Envie notificações aos motoristas em eventos importantes. Nenhuma instalação de hardware é necessária e, portanto, não há tempo de inatividade do veículo! Basta baixar e começar a viagem.
De reboques a empilhadeiras, localize seus veículos e equipamentos mais valiosos usando rastreadores com fio ou sem fio. Veja quando um ativo está em movimento, estabeleça limites geográficos para evitar uso indevido e roubo, monitore o horário de funcionamento e o uso do combustível.
Ative o poder das câmeras com Inteligência Artificial e ADAS dentro da cabine. Obtenha uma visão inteligente sobre comportamentos de condução de risco, como: fadiga, distração, distância de seguimento, uso do celular e cinto de segurança, e muito mais, para evitar acidentes e reduzir os riscos da frota. Esta solução de câmeras voltadas para a cabine e para a estrada também inclui um dispositivo inteligente de assistência ao motorista onde você pode se comunicar com os condutores, em tempo real, para ajudá-los a melhorarem seu estilo de condução.
MyMiX Tracking es una aplicación que utiliza tecnología celular para rastrear con precisión los vehículos en tiempo real. Mientras se monitorean los comportamientos de riesgo. Enviar notificaciones de eventos importantes a los conductores. ¡No se requiere instalación de hardware y, por lo tanto, no hay tiempo de inactividad del vehículo! Simplemente descargue y siga el viaje.
Desde remolques hasta montacargas, localice sus vehículos y equipos más valiosos utilizando rastreadores con cable o inalámbricos. Vea cuándo un activo está en movimiento, establezca límites geográficos para evitar el uso indebido y el robo, supervise los horarios de apertura y el uso de combustible.
Alimenta las cámaras con Inteligencia Artificial y ADAS dentro de la cabina. Obtenga una visión inteligente de los comportamientos de conducción riesgosos, como la fatiga, la distracción, el seguimiento de la distancia, el uso del teléfono móvil y el cinturón de seguridad, y más para prevenir accidentes y reducir los riesgos de la flota. Esta solución de cámara orientada a la cabina y la carretera también incluye un dispositivo inteligente de asistencia al conductor donde puede comunicarse con los conductores en tiempo real para ayudarlos a mejorar su estilo de conducción.
Simplify the fleet management and tracking process with a plug-and-play device delivered straight to you that doesn’t require a technician to install and can be activated using a QR code. Track fleet activities and get daily notifications about fleet performance to manage trips, lower fuel costs, monitor driver behaviour and more.
MyMiX Tracking is an app that utilises cell phone technology to help you accurately track vehicles in real-time while also monitoring all driver behaviours that may be unsafe or inefficient. Send notifications to drivers on important events. No hardware installation is required, and thus no vehicle downtime! Just download and go.
From trailers and forklifts, to skid steers and vehicles. Locate your most valued assets and equipment using either wired or wireless trackers. See when an asset is on the move, set geographic boundaries to avoid misuse and theft, and monitor operating hours and fuel usage.
Turn on the power of AI- and ADAS-powered dash cams within your fleet. Get intelligent insight into risky driving behaviours, like fatigue, distraction, speeding, seatbelt usage, and more to prevent accidents and reduce fleet risk. This in-cab and road-facing camera solution also includes a driver coach device with which you can communicate with drivers in real-time to help them improve their driving style.
All our departments comprise highly skilled staff who are passionate about customer service and technically familiar with every one of the MiX Telematics products. This includes the entire range of Transport & Logistics fleet management software and service offerings and all the hardware devices that MiX Telematics designs and manufactures.
All our departments comprise highly skilled staff who are passionate about customer service and technically familiar with every one of the MiX Telematics products. This includes the entire range of Transport & Logistics fleet management software and service offerings and all the hardware devices that MiX Telematics designs and manufactures.
All our departments comprise highly skilled staff who are passionate about customer service and technically familiar with every one of the MiX Telematics products. This includes the entire range of Transport & Logistics fleet management software and service offerings and all the hardware devices that MiX Telematics designs and manufactures.
All our departments comprise highly skilled staff who are passionate about customer service and technically familiar with every one of the MiX Telematics products. This includes the entire range of Transport & Logistics fleet management software and service offerings and all the hardware devices that MiX Telematics designs and manufactures.
All our departments comprise highly skilled staff who are passionate about customer service and technically familiar with every one of the MiX Telematics products. This includes the entire range of Transport & Logistics fleet management software and service offerings and all the hardware devices that MiX Telematics designs and manufactures.
All our departments comprise highly skilled staff who are passionate about customer service and technically familiar with every one of the MiX Telematics products. This includes the entire range of Transport & Logistics fleet management software and service offerings and all the hardware devices that MiX Telematics designs and manufactures.
Todos os nossos departamentos são compostos por funcionários altamente qualificados que são apaixonados pelo atendimento ao cliente e tecnicamente familiarizados com cada um dos produtos da MiX Telematics. Isso inclui toda a gama de softwares e serviços de gestão de frotas de Transporte & Logística, e todos os dispositivos de hardware que a MiX Telematics projeta e fabrica.
Todos nuestros departamentos están compuestos por empleados altamente calificados que son apasionados por el servicio al cliente y técnicamente familiarizados con cada uno de los productos de MiX Telematics. Esto incluye la gama completa de software y servicios de gestión de flotas de Transporte y Logística, y todos los dispositivos de hardware que MiX Telematics diseña y manufactura.
All our departments comprise highly skilled staff who are passionate about customer service and technically familiar with every one of the MiX Telematics products. This includes the entire range of Transport & Logistics fleet management software and service offerings and all the hardware devices that MiX Telematics designs and manufactures.
Eliminate guesswork with an accurate view of your vehicles and assets in real-time. Manage your operations with unlimited access to information and a host of features, tools and support.
Elimine o trabalho de adivinhação ao ter uma visão precisa de seus veículos em tempo real. Gerencie suas operações com acesso ilimitado a informações e uma série de recursos, ferramentas e suporte.
Elimine las conjeturas al tomar una vista precisa de sus vehículos en tiempo real. Administre sus operaciones con acceso ilimitado a la información y una gran cantidad de funciones, herramientas y soporte.
With either plug-and-play or self-install GPS tracking options, you get full visibility of both driver and vehicle location. These options monitor movements on a map in real-time while offering the opportunity to also look back at historical trips for analysis and decision-making. By simply logging in to a user-friendly, cloud-based platform, you gain access to advanced vehicle and driver data, tracking information and, fuel and energy usage.
Tenha total visibilidade tanto do motorista quanto da localização do veículo. Essas opções monitoram os movimentos em um mapa, em tempo real, oferecendo a oportunidade de também olhar para trás no histórico de viagens, para análise e tomada de decisão. Ao fazer login em uma plataforma na nuvem, você ganha acesso a dados avançados dos veículos e motoristas, informações de rastreamento e uso de combustível e energia.
Obtenga visibilidad completa tanto del conductor como de la ubicación del vehículo. Estas opciones monitorean los movimientos en un mapa en tiempo real, ofreciendo la oportunidad de mirar hacia atrás en el historial de viajes para el análisis y la toma de decisiones. Al iniciar sesión en una plataforma en la nube, obtiene acceso a datos avanzados del vehículo y del conductor, información de seguimiento y uso de combustible y energía.
Operators and fleet managers receive real-time alerts for risky driving behavior as captured by our road- and in-cab facing dash cams powered by Artificial Intelligence. The road-facing camera detects events like imminent collision, lane departure without signaling and too-close following distance. The in-cab facing camera tracks driver-related events such as fatigue, seatbelt usage, phone usage, distracted behavior and smoking while driving. Our video solution aims to improve fleet safety and efficiency.
Motoristas e gestores de frotas recebem alertas, em tempo real, sobre o comportamento de condução de risco capturado por nossas câmeras com Inteligência Artificial voltadas para a estrada e para a cabine. A câmera voltada para a estrada detecta eventos como colisão iminente, troca de faixa sem sinalização e distância de seguimento. A câmera voltada para a cabine detecta eventos relacionados ao motorista, como fadiga, uso do cinto de segurança, uso do celular, comportamento distraído e fumar enquanto dirige. Nossa solução de vídeo visa melhorar a segurança e a eficiência da frota.
Los conductores y los gerentes de flotas reciben alertas en tiempo real sobre el comportamiento de conducción de riesgo capturado por nuestras cámaras de IA frente a la carretera y la cabina. La cámara orientada a la carretera detecta eventos como una colisión inminente, un cambio de carril sin marcar y distancia de seguimiento. La cámara orientada a la cabina detecta eventos relacionados con el conductor, como fatiga, uso del cinturón de seguridad, uso del teléfono móvil, comportamiento distraído y fumar mientras se conduce. Nuestra solución de video tiene como objetivo mejorar la seguridad y la eficiencia de la flota.
A key component of successful fleet management is the monitoring of driving style and recurrent risky driving behaviors. Not only is MiX Telematics a trusted software provider but also a pioneer in the area of app-based tracking. This innovation delivers all the expertise of full-featured tracking technology in a simplified, easy-to-access app.
Um componente fundamental do sucesso da gestão da frota é o monitoramento do estilo de condução e comportamentos recorrentes de condução de risco. A MiX Telematics não só é um provedor de software confiável, mas também é pioneira na área de rastreamento via aplicativo. Essa inovação oferece toda a expertise da tecnologia de rastreamento em destaque em um aplicativo simplificado e de fácil acesso.
Un componente clave del éxito de la gestión de flotas es el monitoreo del estilo de conducción y los comportamientos de conducción de riesgo recurrentes. MiX Telematics no solo es un proveedor de software confiable, sino que también es pionero en el campo del seguimiento de aplicaciones. Esta innovación ofrece toda la experiencia de la tecnología de seguimiento destacada en una aplicación simplificada y de fácil acceso.
Fleet management solutions that offer fleet operators unlimited access to information about their vehicles and operators, with a host of features, tools and reports to help maximize return on investment.
Solução de gestão de frotas que oferece aos gestores de frota, acesso ilimitado às informações sobre seus veículos e motoristas, com uma série de recursos, ferramentas e relatórios para ajudar a maximizar o retorno sobre o investimento.
Solución de gestión de flotas que ofrece a los gerentes de flotas acceso ilimitado a la información sobre sus vehículos y conductores, con una gran cantidad de características, herramientas e informes para ayudar a maximizar el retorno de la inversión.
MiX Telematics’ compliance solution adheres to industry specifications regarding performance, design and technical requirements. In addition, we help you maintain your O license or industry-specific compliance standard by keeping track of your fleet maintenance, electronic logging of driving hours, all while undergoing constant testing and plugging into the DTCO.
A solução de conformidade da MiX Telematics adere às especificações do setor quanto ao desempenho, design e requisitos técnicos. Além disso, ajudamos você a manter um padrão de conformidade específico do setor, mantendo o controle da manutenção da sua frota, registro eletrônico de jornada de trabalho, e muito mais.
La solución de conformidad de MiX Telematics cumple con las especificaciones de la industria para el rendimiento, el diseño y los requisitos técnicos. Además, lo ayudamos a mantener un estándar de cumplimiento específico de la industria mientras realiza un seguimiento del mantenimiento de su flota, el registro electrónico de las horas de servicio y más.